xorshift: Haskell implementation of the xorshift random generator.
The Xorshift random generator is a very fast generator that uses only XOR and bitshifting operations. This package contains a basic version with a periode of 2^32-1 for 32-bit numbers and a version with a periode of 2^64-1 for 64-bit numbers.
Although the author didn't tested the random generator, but according to it's specification the resulting numbers are of good quality.
- xorshift-2.0.1.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 1, 2, 2.0.1 |
Dependencies | base (>=3 && <5), random, time [details] |
License | LicenseRef-LGPL |
Copyright | ©2010 Robert Clausecker |
Author | Robert Clausecker <fuzxxl@gmail.com> |
Maintainer | Robert Clausecker |
Category | Math |
Bug tracker | https://github.com/fuzxxl/Xorshift/issues |
Source repo | head: git clone git://github.com/fuzxxl/Xorshift.git this: git clone git://github.com/fuzxxl/Xorshift.git(tag release-2.0.1) |
Uploaded | by RobertClausecker at 2011-04-11T17:02:43Z |
Distributions | NixOS:2.0.1 |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Downloads | 2540 total (9 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
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Status | Docs uploaded by user Build status unknown [no reports yet] |