name: yesod-tls version: 1.4.0 synopsis: Provides main functions using warp-tls for yesod projects description: This package makes possible to build Yesod web applications that provide SSL support. homepage: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Tamás László Fábián maintainer: Tamás László Fábián category: Web, Yesod build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.6 library build-depends: base >=4.3 && < 5 , yesod >= 1.4.0 && < 1.5 , wai >= 1.3 , wai-extra >= 1.3 , warp >= 1.3 , warp-tls >= 3.0 , template-haskell , monad-logger , fast-logger , safe , directory if !os(windows) build-depends: unix exposed-modules: Yesod.Default.MainTLS