0.3.0 ===== * Remove `EitherT` instance. It's recommended to use `ExceptT` instead. * Remove `TraceT` instace. It's not actively maintained any more. * Support aeson >= 0.11, which comes with instances for `Natural`. * Support GHC-8. * `MonadThrow`, `MonadCatch`, and `MonadMask` instances for `LoggerT`. * Support for Cabal-1.18 and time >= 1.4 && < 1.5. ======= * Add missing NFData instance for `Natural` when build with deepseq>=1.4 and base<4.8. 0.2.3 ===== * Fix semantically invalid default NFData instance when build with deepseq <1.4. 0.2.2 ===== * [Issue #28] Generalized type of lens `logMsg` to support changing the message type. * [Issue #29] Fixed precision of `formatIso8601` function. * [Issue #30] Added a version of `withHandleBackend` that is generic in the log message type and accept a formatting function for formatting the log message as text. 0.2.1 ===== * Support for trace-0.2. 0.2 === * Removed `MonadLogIO`; `MonadBaseControl` should be used instead. * Issue #16: add an argument to all command-line options parsers that adds a prefix to the command-line options. * Issue #9: more robust logger backend * new functions that take an function of type `Text -> IO ()` as an alternate backend to log issues in the logging system itself. * `withLogger_` * `withLogFunction_` * `createLogger_` * new parameters * `loggerConfigExceptionLimit`: Number of consecutive backend exception that can occur before the logger raises an `BackendToManyExceptions` exception. If this is `Nothing` the logger will discard all exceptions. * `loggerConfigExceptionWait`: Number of microseconds to wait after an exception from the backend. If this is 'Nothing' the logger won't wait at all after an exception. * `loggerConfigExitTimeout`: Timeout in microseconds for the logger to flush the queue and deliver all remaining log messages on termination. If this is `Nothing` termination of the logger blogs until all mesages are delivered. * new `LoggerException` type * `QueueFullException` is thrown when the queue is full and the logger policy is to throw exceptions on a full queue. * `BackendTerminatedException` can be thrown by a backend to force the logger immediately. * `BackendToManyExceptions` is thrown when the backend is throwing some unexpected exception more than list `loggerConfigExceptionLimit` times. * Issue #12: a test-suite got added to the package. Note that this test-suite takes a relatively long time to run all tests. In particular this an cause timeouts with travis-ci. * Issue #14: the command line option for setting the log-level got fixed to be spelled `--log-level` (instead of `--loglevel`). * Issue #22: added timestamp to log messages. * Replaced usage of `Int` by `Natural` where adequate. * Issue #6: use `TBMChan` as internal queue implementation until a new version of stm is released with a [fix for `TQueue`](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9539). 0.1.1 ===== * Added `MonadLogIO` for loggers that allow to extract a log function of type `LogFunctionIO`. 0.1 === * Added `localScope` function to `MonadLog` and and implemented `withLabel` based on it. * Added functions `popLabel` and `clearScope`. These are useful when setting log-labels for bracket style functions. * Remove overlapping `MonadLog` instances. * Lift `MonadTrace` instances into `LoggerCtxT`. 0.0.1 ===== First public release