module Language.JavaScript.Host.YQL.Rest where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as LBS
import Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap (toList)
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as Text (unpack)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector (toList)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Data.OpenDataTable
import Data.YQL (YQLM)
import qualified Data.YQL as Data
import Data.YQL.Response (Response(..),
pattern ResponseByteString,
pattern ResponseJSON)
import qualified Data.YQL.Response as Data.Response
import Data.YQL.Result (Result(..))
import qualified Data.YQL.Result as Data.Result
import qualified Data.YQL.Rest as Data.Rest
import Language.JavaScript.Host
import Language.JavaScript.Interpret
import Language.JavaScript.SubType
import qualified YQL.Rest as YQL
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, fromList)
request :: OpenDataTable -> Select -> JavaScriptT YQLM Object
request OpenDataTable {..} s = do
url <- lift . lift . use $ . Data.Rest.url
op <- use objectPrototypeObject
fp <- use functionPrototypeObject
yqlRestId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestObj = Object yqlRestId
yqlRestAcceptId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestAcceptObj = Object yqlRestAcceptId
yqlRestAcceptObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just (yqlRestAcceptCallImpl yqlRestObj),
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestAcceptObj ?= yqlRestAcceptObjInt
yqlRestContentTypeId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestContentTypeObj = Object yqlRestContentTypeId
yqlRestContentTypeObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just (yqlRestContentTypeCallImpl yqlRestObj),
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestContentTypeObj ?= yqlRestContentTypeObjInt
yqlRestDecompressId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestDecompressObj = Object yqlRestDecompressId
yqlRestDecompressObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just (yqlRestDecompressCallImpl yqlRestObj),
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestDecompressObj ?= yqlRestDecompressObjInt
yqlRestDelId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestDelObj = Object yqlRestDelId
yqlRestDelObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestDelCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestDelObj ?= yqlRestDelObjInt
yqlRestFallbackCharsetId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestFallbackCharsetObj = Object yqlRestFallbackCharsetId
yqlRestFallbackCharsetObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestFallbackCharsetCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestFallbackCharsetObj ?= yqlRestFallbackCharsetObjInt
yqlRestFilterCharsId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestFilterCharsObj = Object yqlRestFilterCharsId
yqlRestFilterCharsObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestFilterCharsCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestFilterCharsObj ?= yqlRestFilterCharsObjInt
yqlRestForceCharsetId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestForceCharsetObj = Object yqlRestForceCharsetId
yqlRestForceCharsetObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestForceCharsetCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestForceCharsetObj ?= yqlRestForceCharsetObjInt
yqlRestGetId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestGetObj = Object yqlRestGetId
yqlRestGetObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestGetCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestGetObj ?= yqlRestGetObjInt
yqlRestHeadId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestHeadObj = Object yqlRestHeadId
yqlRestHeadObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestHeadCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestHeadObj ?= yqlRestHeadObjInt
yqlRestHeadersId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestHeadersObj = Object yqlRestHeadersId
yqlRestHeadersObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist op),
objectInternalClass = "Object",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Nothing,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestHeadersObj ?= yqlRestHeadersObjInt
yqlRestJsonCompatId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestJsonCompatObj = Object yqlRestJsonCompatId
yqlRestJsonCompatObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestJsonCompatCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestJsonCompatObj ?= yqlRestJsonCompatObjInt
yqlRestPathId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestPathObj = Object yqlRestPathId
yqlRestPathObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestPathCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestPathObj ?= yqlRestPathObjInt
yqlRestPostId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestPostObj = Object yqlRestPostId
yqlRestPostObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestPostCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestPostObj ?= yqlRestPostObjInt
yqlRestPutId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestPutObj = Object yqlRestPutId
yqlRestPutObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestPutCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestPutObj ?= yqlRestPutObjInt
yqlRestQueryId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestQueryObj = Object yqlRestQueryId
yqlRestQueryObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just (yqlRestQueryCallImpl yqlRestObj),
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestQueryObj ?= yqlRestQueryObjInt
yqlRestQueryParamsId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestQueryParamsObj = Object yqlRestQueryParamsId
yqlRestQueryParamsObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestQueryParamsCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestQueryParamsObj ?= yqlRestQueryParamsObjInt
yqlRestTimeoutId <- createNextInternalId
let yqlRestTimeoutObj = Object yqlRestTimeoutId
yqlRestTimeoutObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties = Map.empty,
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist fp),
objectInternalClass = "Function",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Just yqlRestTimeoutCallImpl,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestTimeoutObj ?= yqlRestTimeoutObjInt
let yqlRestObjInt = ObjectInternal {
objectInternalProperties =
[ ("accept", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestAcceptObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("contentType", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestContentTypeObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("decompress", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestDecompressObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("del", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestDelObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("fallbackCharset", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestFallbackCharsetObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("filterChars", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestFilterCharsObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("forceCharset", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestForceCharsetObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("get", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestGetObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("head", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestHeadObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("headers", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestHeadersObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("jsonCompat", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestJsonCompatObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("path", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestPathObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("post", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestHeadersObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("put", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestPutObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("query", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestQueryObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("queryParams", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestQueryParamsObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("timeout", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestTimeoutObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
, ("url", PropertyData $ DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj (LBS.toString url),
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True }) ],
objectInternalPrototype = const $ return (JSExist op),
objectInternalClass = "Object",
objectInternalExtensible = const $ return True,
objectInternalGet = getImpl,
objectInternalGetOwnProperty = getOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalGetProperty = getPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPut = putImpl,
objectInternalCanPut = canPutImpl,
objectInternalHasProperty = hasPropertyImpl,
objectInternalDelete = deleteImpl,
objectInternalDefaultValue = defaultValueImpl,
objectInternalDefineOwnProperty = defineOwnPropertyImpl,
objectInternalPrimitiveValue = Nothing,
objectInternalConstruct = Nothing,
objectInternalCall = Nothing,
objectInternalHasInstance = Nothing,
objectInternalScope = Nothing,
objectInternalFormalParameters = Nothing,
objectInternalCode = Nothing,
objectInternalTargetFunction = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundThis = Nothing,
objectInternalBoundArguments = Nothing,
objectInternalMatch = Nothing,
objectInternalParameterMap = Nothing }
mInternalObject yqlRestObj ?= yqlRestObjInt
(PropertyData DataDescriptor {
dataDescriptorValue = inj yqlRestObj,
dataDescriptorWritable = True,
dataDescriptorEnumerable = False,
dataDescriptorConfigurable = True })
return yqlRestObj
yqlRestAcceptCallImpl :: Object -> InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestAcceptCallImpl restObj f this (List args) = do
let a = case args of
(ValueString s:_) -> s
_ -> ""
lift . lift $ . Data.Rest.accept ?= fromString a
return (inj restObj)
yqlRestContentTypeCallImpl :: Object -> InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestContentTypeCallImpl restObj f this (List args) = do
let a = case args of
(ValueString s:_) -> s
_ -> ""
lift . lift $ . Data.Rest.contentType ?= fromString a
return (inj restObj)
yqlRestDecompressCallImpl :: Object -> InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestDecompressCallImpl restObj f this (List args) = undefined
yqlRestDelCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestDelCallImpl _ _ _ = wrappedHttpCall YQL.del
yqlRestFallbackCharsetCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestFallbackCharsetCallImpl = undefined
yqlRestFilterCharsCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestFilterCharsCallImpl = undefined
yqlRestForceCharsetCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestForceCharsetCallImpl = undefined
yqlRestGetCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestGetCallImpl _ _ _ = wrappedHttpCall YQL.get
yqlRestHeadCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestHeadCallImpl _ _ _ = wrappedHttpCall YQL.head
yqlRestJsonCompatCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestJsonCompatCallImpl = undefined
yqlRestPathCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestPathCallImpl = undefined
yqlRestPostCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestPostCallImpl _ _ (List args) = do
case args of
(ValueString body:_) -> do
wrappedHttpCall $ (fromString body)
_ -> newTypeErrorObject Nothing >>= jsThrow
yqlRestPutCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestPutCallImpl _ _ (List args) = do
case args of
(ValueString body:_) -> do
wrappedHttpCall $ (fromString body)
_ -> newTypeErrorObject Nothing >>= jsThrow
yqlRestQueryCallImpl :: Object -> InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestQueryCallImpl restObj f this (List args) = do
case args of
(ValueString key:ValueString value:_) -> undefined
_ -> return ()
return (inj restObj)
yqlRestQueryParamsCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestQueryParamsCallImpl = undefined
yqlRestTimeoutCallImpl :: InternalCallType YQLM
yqlRestTimeoutCallImpl f this (List args) = do
case args of
(ValueNumber n:_) -> lift . lift $ do . Data.Rest.timeout ?= round n
_ -> return ()
return (inj Undefined)
wrappedHttpCall :: YQLM Result -> JavaScriptT YQLM CallValue
wrappedHttpCall call = do
op <- use objectPrototypeObject
Result {..} <- lift . lift $ call
let headersObj = undefined :: Object
o <- newObjectObject Nothing
defineOwnProperty o "headers" def {
propertyDescriptorValue = Just (inj headersObj),
propertyDescriptorWritable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorEnumerable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorConfigurable = Just True } False
defineOwnProperty o "status" def {
propertyDescriptorValue =
Just (inj (Number . fromIntegral . HTTP.statusCode $ resultStatus)),
propertyDescriptorWritable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorEnumerable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorConfigurable = Just True } False
defineOwnProperty o "timeout" def {
propertyDescriptorValue = Just (inj resultTimeout),
propertyDescriptorWritable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorEnumerable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorConfigurable = Just True } False
defineOwnProperty o "timeout" def {
propertyDescriptorValue = Just (inj (BS.toString resultUrl)),
propertyDescriptorWritable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorEnumerable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorConfigurable = Just True } False
case resultResponse of
ResponseJSON j -> do
v <- jsonToValue j
defineOwnProperty o "response" def {
propertyDescriptorValue = Just v,
propertyDescriptorWritable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorEnumerable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorConfigurable = Just True } False
ResponseByteString s -> do
defineOwnProperty o "response" def {
propertyDescriptorValue = Just (inj (LBS.toString s)),
propertyDescriptorWritable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorEnumerable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorConfigurable = Just True } False
return (inj o)
jsonToValue :: (Functor m, Monad m) => Aeson.Value -> JavaScriptT m Value
jsonToValue (Aeson.Object jo) = do
o <- newObjectObject Nothing
forM (HashMap.toList jo) $ \(k, j) -> do
v <- jsonToValue j
let desc = def {
propertyDescriptorValue = Just v,
propertyDescriptorWritable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorEnumerable = Just True,
propertyDescriptorConfigurable = Just True }
defineOwnProperty o (Text.unpack k) desc False
return (inj o)
jsonToValue (Aeson.Array ja) = do
vs <- forM (Vector.toList ja) jsonToValue
a <- newArrayObject vs
return (inj a)
jsonToValue (Aeson.String s) = return . inj $ (Text.unpack s)
jsonToValue (Aeson.Number n) =
return . inj . Number . fromRational . toRational $ n
jsonToValue (Aeson.Bool b) = return (inj b)
jsonToValue (Aeson.Null) = return (inj Null)