zm: Language independent, reproducible, absolute types

[ bsd3, data, library, reflection ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]
Versions [RSS] 0.2, 0.2.2, 0.2.4, 0.3, 0.3.1, 0.3.2
Dependencies base (>=4.8 && <5), bytestring (>= && <0.11), containers (>=0.5 && <0.6), convertible (>=1.1 && <1.2), cryptonite (>=0.22 && <1), deepseq (>=1.4 && <1.5), either (>4.3.2 && <6), flat (>=0.3 && <0.4), ghcjs-base (>=0.2 && <0.3), memory, model (>=0.4.4 && <0.5), pretty (>=1.1.2 && <1.2), text, transformers (>= && <0.6) [details]
Tested with ghc ==7.10.3, ghc ==8.0.2, ghc ==8.2.2
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Copyright: (c) 2016 Pasqualino `Titto` Assini
Author Pasqualino `Titto` Assini
Category Data, Reflection
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Source repo head: git clone
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Haskell implementation of 正名 (read as: Zhèng Míng) a minimalistic, expressive and language independent data modelling language (specs).

How To Use It For Fun and Profit

With zm you can derive and manipulate canonical and language-independent definitions and unique identifiers of (a subset) of Haskell data types.

This can be used, for example:

  • in combination with a serialisation library to provide type-safe deserialisation
  • for data exchange across different programming languages and software systems
  • for long term data preservation

Canonical Models of Haskell Data Types

For a data type to have a canonical representation, it has to implement the Model type class.

Instances for a few common data types (Bool, Maybe, Tuples, Lists, Ints, Words, String, Text ..) are already defined and there is Generics based support to automatically derive additional instances.

Let's see some code, we need a couple of GHC extensions:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

Import the library:

import ZM

We use absTypeModel to get the canonical type of Maybe Bool and pPrint to print it nicely:

pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy (Maybe Bool))
-> Type:
-> Kda6836778fd4 K306f1981b41c:
-> Maybe Bool
-> Environment:
-> K306f1981b41c:
->  Bool ≡   False
->         | True
-> Kda6836778fd4:
->  Maybe a ≡   Nothing
->            | Just a

We can see how the data types Maybe and Bool have been assigned unique canonical identifiers and how the type Maybe Bool is accordingly represented.

Contrary to Haskell, ZhengMing has no 'magic' built-in types so even something as basic as a Char or a Word have to be defined explicitly.

For example, a Word7 (an unsigned integer of 7 bits length) is defined as an explicit enumeration of all the 128 different values that can fit in 7 bits:

pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy Word7)
-> Type:
-> Kf4c946334a7e:
-> Word7
-> Environment:
-> Kf4c946334a7e:
->  Word7 ≡   V0
->          | V1
->          | V2
->          | V3
->          | V4
-> ...
->          | V123
->          | V124
->          | V125
->          | V126
->          | V127

A Word32 can be defined as a NonEmptyList list of Word7s (a definition equivalent to the Base 128 Varints encoding).

pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy Word32)
-> Type:
-> K2412799c99f1:
-> Word32
-> Environment:
-> K20ffacc8f8c9:
->  LeastSignificantFirst a ≡ LeastSignificantFirst a
-> K74e2b3b89941:
->  MostSignificantFirst a ≡ MostSignificantFirst a
-> Kbf2d1c86eb20:
->  NonEmptyList a ≡   Elem a
->                   | Cons a (NonEmptyList a)
-> Kf92e8339908a:
->  Word ≡ Word (LeastSignificantFirst (NonEmptyList (MostSignificantFirst Word7)))
-> K2412799c99f1:
->  Word32 ≡ Word32 Word
-> Kf4c946334a7e:
->  Word7 ≡   V0
->          | V1
->          | V2
->          | V3
->          | V4
-> ...
->          | V123
->          | V124
->          | V125
->          | V126
->          | V127

And finally a Char can be defined as a tagged Word32:

pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy Char)
-> Type:
-> K066db52af145:
-> Char
-> Environment:
-> K066db52af145:
->  Char ≡ Char Word32
-> K20ffacc8f8c9:
->  LeastSignificantFirst a ≡ LeastSignificantFirst a
-> K74e2b3b89941:
->  MostSignificantFirst a ≡ MostSignificantFirst a
-> Kbf2d1c86eb20:
->  NonEmptyList a ≡   Elem a
->                   | Cons a (NonEmptyList a)
-> Kf92e8339908a:
->  Word ≡ Word (LeastSignificantFirst (NonEmptyList (MostSignificantFirst Word7)))
-> K2412799c99f1:
->  Word32 ≡ Word32 Word
-> Kf4c946334a7e:
->  Word7 ≡   V0
->          | V1
->          | V2
->          | V3
->          | V4
-> ...
->          | V123
->          | V124
->          | V125
->          | V126
->          | V127

Most common haskell data types can be automatically mapped to the equivalent canonical data type.

There are however a couple of restrictions: data types definitions cannot be mutually recursive and type variables must be of kind *.

So for example, these won't work:

-- BAD: f has higher kind
data Free f a = Impure (f (Free f a)) | Pure a

-- BAD: mutually recursive
data Forest a = Nil | Cons (Tree a) (Forest a)
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Forest a)

So now that we have canonical types, what about some practical applications?

Safe Deserialisation

To illustrate the problem, consider the two following data types:

The Cinque Terre villages:

data CinqueTerre = Monterosso | Vernazza | Corniglia | Manarola | RioMaggiore deriving (Show,Generic,Flat,Model)

The traditional Chinese directions:

data Direction = North | South | Center | East | West deriving (Show,Generic,Flat,Model)

Though their meaning is obviously different they share the same syntactical structure (simple enumerations of 5 values) and most binary serialisation libraries won't be able to distinguish between the two.

To demonstrate this, let's serialise Center and Corniglia, the third value of each enumeration using the flat library.

pPrint $ flat Center
-> [ 129 ]
pPrint $ flat Corniglia
-> [ 129 ]

As you can see they have the same binary representation.

We have used the flat binary serialisation as it is already a dependency of zm (and automatically imported by ZM) but the same principle apply to other serialisation libraries (binary, cereal ..).

Let's go full circle, using unflat to decode the value :

decoded = unflat . flat
decoded Center :: Decoded Direction
-> Right Center

One more time:

decoded Center :: Decoded CinqueTerre
-> Right Corniglia

Oops, that's not quite right.

We got our types crossed, Center was read back as Corniglia, a Direction was interpreted as one of the CinqueTerre.

To fix this, we convert the value to a TypedValue, a value combined with its canonical type:

pPrint $ typedValue Center
-> Center :: K170d0e47bef6

TypedValues can be serialised as any other value:

pPrint <$> (decoded $ typedValue Center :: Decoded (TypedValue Direction))
-> Right Center :: K170d0e47bef6

And just as before, we can get things wrong:

pPrint <$> (decoded $ typedValue Center :: Decoded (TypedValue CinqueTerre))
-> Right Corniglia :: K170d0e47bef6

However this time is obvious that the value is inconsistent with its type, as the CinqueTerre data type has a different unique code:

pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy CinqueTerre)
-> Type:
-> K747ebaa65778:
-> CinqueTerre
-> Environment:
-> K747ebaa65778:
->  CinqueTerre ≡   Monterosso
->                | Vernazza
->                | Corniglia
->                | Manarola
->                | RioMaggiore

We can automate this check, with untypedValue:

This is ok:

untypedValue . decoded . typedValue $ Center :: TypedDecoded Direction
-> Right Center

And this is wrong:

untypedValue . decoded . typedValue $ Center :: TypedDecoded CinqueTerre
-> Left
->   WrongType
->     { expectedType =
->         TypeCon (AbsRef (SHAKE128_48 116 126 186 166 87 120))
->     , actualType = TypeCon (AbsRef (SHAKE128_48 23 13 14 71 190 246))
->     }

Data Exchange

For an example of using canonical data types as a data exchange mechanism see top, the Type Oriented Protocol.

Haskell Compatibility

Tested with:

  • ghc 7.10.3, 8.0.2 and 8.2.2 (x64)
  • ghcjs


Get the latest stable version from hackage.


Contains the following JavaScript library:

js-sha3 v0.5.1

Copyright 2015,

Licensed under the MIT license:

Known Bugs and Infelicities

  • The unique codes generated for the data types are not yet final and might change in the final version.
  • Instances for parametric data types have to be declared separately (won't work in deriving)