AERN-Real- arbitrary precision interval arithmetic for approximating exact real numbers




Types and methods related to explicit convergent sequences of real number approximations.



data ConvergRealSeq ra Source

A converging sequence of real number approximations.

  • Every finite subsequence has a non-empty intersection.
  • The limit should be a singleton.


ConvergRealSeq (EffortIndex -> ra) 

makeFastConvergRealSeq :: ERApprox ra => ConvergRealSeq ra -> ConvergRealSeq raSource

Turn an arbitrary convergent sequence into one with a guaranteed convergence rate - the precision (as defined by RA.ERApprox.RA.getPrecision) of x_ix is at least ix.

convertFuncRA2Seq :: (EffortIndex -> ra -> ra) -> ConvergRealSeq ra -> ConvergRealSeq raSource

Using this operator, a unary funtion working over approximations can be converted to one that works over exact numbers represented through a sequence of approximations.

convertBinFuncRA2Seq :: (EffortIndex -> ra -> ra -> ra) -> ConvergRealSeq ra -> ConvergRealSeq ra -> ConvergRealSeq raSource

The same as above, where f is binary

showConvergRealSeq :: ERApprox ra => Int -> Bool -> Bool -> Precision -> ConvergRealSeq ra -> StringSource

Show function for ConvergRealSeq's with full arguments.

showConvergRealSeqAuto :: ERApprox ra => Int -> ConvergRealSeq ra -> StringSource

Show function for ConvergRealSeq's with all parameters fixed except for number of digits