Chart-1.9.3: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots

Copyright(c) Tim Docker 2010 2014
LicenseBSD-style (see chart/COPYRIGHT)
Safe HaskellNone




Deprecated: Use Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Time module

Calculate and render time axes



type TimeSeq = LocalTime -> ([LocalTime], [LocalTime]) Source #

TimeSeq is a (potentially infinite) set of times. When passed a reference time, the function returns a a pair of lists. The first contains all times in the set less than the reference time in decreasing order. The second contains all times in the set greater than or equal to the reference time, in increasing order.

type TimeLabelFn = LocalTime -> String Source #

How to display a time

timeAxis Source #


:: TimeSeq

Set the minor ticks, and the final range will be aligned to its elements.

-> TimeSeq

Set the labels and grid.

-> TimeLabelFn 
-> TimeLabelAlignment 
-> TimeSeq

Set the second line of labels.

-> TimeLabelFn

Format LocalTime for labels.

-> TimeLabelAlignment 
-> AxisFn LocalTime 

Create an AxisFn to for a time axis.

The values to be plotted against this axis can be created with doubleFromLocalTime.

autoTimeAxis :: AxisFn LocalTime Source #

Automatically choose a suitable time axis, based upon the time range of data. The values to be plotted against this axis can be created with doubleFromLocalTime.

days :: TimeSeq Source #

A TimeSeq for calendar days.

months :: TimeSeq Source #

A TimeSeq for calendar months.

years :: TimeSeq Source #

A TimeSeq for calendar years.


doubleFromLocalTime :: LocalTime -> Double Source #

Map a LocalTime value to a plot coordinate.