GLUtil-0.9.0: Miscellaneous OpenGL utilities.

Safe HaskellNone



Utilities for loading texture data.



data TexColor Source

Pixel format of image data.



data TexInfo a Source

A basic texture information record.



texInfo :: Int -> Int -> TexColor -> a -> TexInfo a Source

Helper for constructing a TexInfo using Haskell Ints for image dimensions.

class HasGLType (Elem a) => IsPixelData a where Source

Class for containers of texture data.

Associated Types

type Elem a Source


withPixels :: a -> (Ptr (Elem a) -> IO c) -> IO c Source

newtype ShortString Source

Wrapper whose IsPixelData instance treats the pointer underlying a ByteString as an array of Word16s.


ShortString ByteString 

freshTexture :: forall a proxy. HasGLType a => Int -> Int -> TexColor -> proxy a -> IO TextureObject Source

Create a new 2D texture with uninitialized contents.

freshTextureWord8 :: Int -> Int -> TexColor -> IO TextureObject Source

Create a new 2D texture with uninitialized Word8 contents.

freshTextureFloat :: Int -> Int -> TexColor -> IO TextureObject Source

Create a new 2D texture with uninitialized GLfloat contents.

loadTexture :: IsPixelData a => TexInfo a -> IO TextureObject Source

Create a new 2D texture with data from a TexInfo.

reloadTexture :: forall a. IsPixelData a => TextureObject -> TexInfo a -> IO () Source

Replace a 2D texture's pixel data with data from a TexInfo.

texture2DWrap :: StateVar (Repetition, Clamping) Source

Set texture coordinate wrapping options for both the S and T dimensions of a 2D texture.

texture3DWrap :: StateVar (Repetition, Clamping) Source

Set texture coordinate wrapping options for the S, T, and R dimensions of a 3D texture.

withTextures :: BindableTextureTarget t => t -> [TextureObject] -> IO a -> IO a Source

Bind each of the given textures to successive texture units at the given TextureTarget starting with texture unit 0.

withTextures2D :: [TextureObject] -> IO a -> IO a Source

Bind each of the given 2D textures to successive texture units starting with texture unit 0.

withTexturesAt :: BindableTextureTarget t => t -> [(TextureObject, GLuint)] -> IO a -> IO a Source

Bind each of the given textures to the texture unit they are paired with. The given action is run with these bindings, then the texture bindings are reset. If you don't care which texture units are used, consider using withTextures or withTextures2D.