HTTP-4000.3.14: A library for client-side HTTP

CopyrightSee LICENSE file
MaintainerGanesh Sittampalam <>
Portabilitynon-portable (not tested)
Safe HaskellNone



Some utility functions for working with the Haskell network package. Mostly for internal use by the Network.HTTP code.



data Connection Source #

The Connection newtype is a wrapper that allows us to make connections an instance of the Stream class, without GHC extensions. While this looks sort of like a generic reference to the transport layer it is actually TCP specific, which can be seen in the implementation of the 'Stream Connection' instance.

data EndPoint Source #




Eq EndPoint Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.TCP

openTCPPort :: String -> Int -> IO Connection Source #

openTCPPort uri port establishes a connection to a remote host, using getHostByName which possibly queries the DNS system, hence may trigger a network connection.

isConnectedTo :: Connection -> EndPoint -> IO Bool Source #

Checks both that the underlying Socket is connected and that the connection peer matches the given host name (which is recorded locally).

socketConnection :: BufferType ty => String -> Int -> Socket -> IO (HandleStream ty) Source #

socketConnection, like openConnection but using a pre-existing Socket.

class BufferType bufType => HStream bufType where Source #

HStream overloads the use of HandleStreams, letting you overload the handle operations over the type that is communicated across the handle. It comes in handy for Network.HTTP Request and Responses as the payload representation isn't fixed, but overloaded.

The library comes with instances for ByteStrings and String, but should you want to plug in your own payload representation, defining your own HStream instance _should_ be all that it takes.


openStream :: String -> Int -> IO (HandleStream bufType) Source #

openSocketStream :: String -> Int -> Socket -> IO (HandleStream bufType) Source #

readLine :: HandleStream bufType -> IO (Result bufType) Source #

readBlock :: HandleStream bufType -> Int -> IO (Result bufType) Source #

writeBlock :: HandleStream bufType -> bufType -> IO (Result ()) Source #

close :: HandleStream bufType -> IO () Source #

closeQuick :: HandleStream bufType -> IO () Source #

closeOnEnd :: HandleStream bufType -> Bool -> IO () Source #

HStream String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.TCP

HStream ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.TCP

HStream ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.TCP

data StreamHooks ty Source #




Eq ty => Eq (StreamHooks ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.TCP


(==) :: StreamHooks ty -> StreamHooks ty -> Bool #

(/=) :: StreamHooks ty -> StreamHooks ty -> Bool #