HaTeX- The Haskell LaTeX library.

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines the syntax of a TikZ script.

To generate a TikZ script, first create a TPath using data constructors, or alternatively, use a PathBuilder from the Text.LaTeX.Packages.TikZ.PathBuilder module.

Once a TPath is created, use path to render a picture from it. Use scope to apply some parameters to your picture, such line width or color.



data TPoint Source

A point in TikZ.


pointAt :: Measure -> Measure -> TPointSource

Point using Measures for coordinantes.

pointAtXY :: Double -> Double -> TPointSource

Point using numbers as coordinates.

pointAtXYZ :: Double -> Double -> Double -> TPointSource

Three-dimensional point.

relPoint :: TPoint -> TPointSource

Makes a point relative to the previous.



data TPath Source

Type for TikZ paths. Every TPath has two fundamental points: the starting point and the last point. The starting point is set using the Start constructor. The last point then is modified by the other constructors. Below a explanation of each one of them. Note that both starting point and last point may coincide. You can use the functions startingPoint and lastPoint to calculate them. After creating a TPath, use path to do something useful with it.


Start TPoint

Let y = Start p.

Operation: Set the starting point of a path.

Last point: The last point of y is p.

Cycle TPath

Let y = Cycle x.

Operation: Close a path with a line from the last point of x to the starting point of x.

Last point: The last point of y is the starting point of x.

Line TPath TPoint

Let y = Line x p.

Operation: Extend the current path from the last point of x in a straight line to p.

Last point: The last point of y is p.

Rectangle TPath TPoint

Let y = Rectangle x p.

Operation: Define a rectangle using the last point of x as one corner and p as the another corner.

Last point: The last point of y is p.

Circle TPath Double

Let y = Circle x r.

Operation: Define a circle with center at the last point of x and radius r.

Last point: The last point of y is the same as the last point of x.

Ellipse TPath Double Double

Let y = Ellipse x r1 r2.

Operation: Define a ellipse with center at the last point of x, width the double of r1 and height the double of r2.

Last point: The last point of y is the same as the last point of x.

Grid TPath [GridOption] TPoint 
Node TPath LaTeX

Let y = Node x l.

Operation: Set a text centered at the last point of x.

Last point: The last point of y is the same as the last point of x.


Critical points

startingPoint :: TPath -> TPointSource

Calculate the starting point of a TPath.

lastPoint :: TPath -> TPointSource

Calculate the last point of a TPath.


(->-) :: TPath -> TPoint -> TPathSource

Alias of Line.


data Parameter Source

Parameters to use in a scope to change how things are rendered within that scope.


TWidth Measure 
TColor TikZColor 
TScale Double 
TRotate Double

Angle is in degrees.

data TikZColor Source

Color models accepted by TikZ.

data Color Source

Basic colors.





data TikZ Source

A TikZ script.


emptytikz :: TikZSource

Just an empty script.

path :: [ActionType] -> TPath -> TikZSource

A path can be used in different ways.

  • Draw: Just draw the path.
  • Fill: Fill the area inside the path.
  • Clip: Clean everything outside the path.
  • Shade: Shade the area inside the path.

It is possible to stack different effects in the list.

Example of usage:

 path [Draw] $ Start (pointAtXY 0 0) ->- pointAtXY 1 1

Most common usages are exported as functions. See draw, fill, clip, shade, filldraw and shadedraw.

scope :: [Parameter] -> TikZ -> TikZSource

Applies a scope to a TikZ script.

data ActionType Source

Different types of actions that can be performed with a TPath. See path for more information.



(->>) :: TikZ -> TikZ -> TikZSource

Sequence two TikZ scripts.


draw :: TPath -> TikZSource

Equivalent to path [Draw].

fill :: TPath -> TikZSource

Equivalent to path [Fill].

clip :: TPath -> TikZSource

Equivalent to path [Clip].

shade :: TPath -> TikZSource

Equivalent to path [Shade].

filldraw :: TPath -> TikZSource

Equivalent to path [Fill,Draw].

shadedraw :: TPath -> TikZSource

Equivalent to path [Shade,Draw].