LambdaHack- A roguelike game engine in early and active development

Safe HaskellNone





exeFrontend :: (MonadAtomic m, MonadClientAbort m, MonadClientUI m, MonadClientReadServer CmdClientUI m, MonadClientWriteServer CmdSer m, MonadAtomic n, MonadClientReadServer CmdClientAI n, MonadClientWriteServer CmdSerTakeTime n) => (m () -> SessionUI -> State -> StateClient -> ChanServer CmdClientUI CmdSer -> IO ()) -> (n () -> SessionUI -> State -> StateClient -> ChanServer CmdClientAI CmdSerTakeTime -> IO ()) -> COps -> DebugModeCli -> ((FactionId -> ChanFrontend -> ChanServer CmdClientUI CmdSer -> IO ()) -> (FactionId -> ChanServer CmdClientAI CmdSerTakeTime -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO ()Source

Wire together game content, the main loop of game clients, the main game loop assigned to this frontend (possibly containing the server loop, if the whole game runs in one process), UI config and the definitions of game commands.