OddWord-1.0.0: Provides a wrapper for deriving word types with fewer bits.




Odd Word Wrapper

data OddWord a n Source

OddWord wraps the integer type specified in the first type parameter and exposes a subset of the available bits as an unsigned word. The number of bits to expose is encoded into the second type parameter.

The predefined word types provided by this module give some examples.


(Num a, Bits a, TypeNum n) => Bounded (OddWord a n) 
(Enum a, Ord a, Num a, Bits a, TypeNum n) => Enum (OddWord a n) 
Eq a => Eq (OddWord a n) 
(Integral a, Bits a, TypeNum n) => Integral (OddWord a n) 
(Num a, Bits a, TypeNum n) => Num (OddWord a n) 
Ord a => Ord (OddWord a n) 
Read a => Read (OddWord a n) 
(Real a, Bits a, TypeNum n) => Real (OddWord a n) 
Show a => Show (OddWord a n) 
(Bits a, TypeNum n) => Bits (OddWord a n) 

Type Numbers

class TypeNum a Source

Intances of TypeNum represent type-level numbers.


TypeNum () 
TypeNum a => TypeNum (Zero a) 
TypeNum a => TypeNum (One a) 

data One a Source

Represents a type-level number with a leading one bit followed by the string of digits specified by a.


TypeNum a => TypeNum (One a) 

data Zero a Source

Represents a type-level number with a placeholder zero bit followed by the string of digits specified by a.


TypeNum a => TypeNum (Zero a) 

Predefined Odd Words