acme-omitted- Purely functional omitted content for Haskell

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




A universal definition of "omitted content" and methods for observing whether a definition is merely "omitted" or truly "undefined".


A universal definition of "omitted content"

The difference between "omitted" and "undefined" is that the programmer may choose to omit something but he cannot define the undefinable. The former is contingent on the whims of the programmer, the latter a fundamental truth.

Operationally, there is no difference between undefined and omitted; attempting to evaluate either is treated as an error.

Ideally, programmers would only ever use undefined for things that are truly undefined, e.g., division by zero, and use omitted for definitions that have yet to be written or that are currently not needed.

omitted :: aSource

The universal omitted content operator.

This is sufficient to express _all_ types of omitted content

(...) :: aSource

Alternative syntax for omitted that has been carefully optimised for programmer convenience and visual presentation (e.g., for use in printed documents).

Example usage:

 definition = (...)

Observing the difference between "omitted" and "undefined"

The following definitions allow the user to discriminate undefined omitted values. Some caveats apply, however.

Though isUndefined arguably could be a pure function (what is by definition undefinable shall always remain undefined), we feel it most appropriate to keep both isOmitted and isUndefined in IO, for reasons of symmetry and because the distinction between omitted and undefined is a RealWorld concern (in the end, both denote the same value, i.e., bottom).

Another reason to keep isUndefined in IO is the regrettable state of modern Haskell, which has forced programmers to use undefined for all sorts of purposes where omitted should have been used instead. Thus it is unsound to assume that undefined values will remain so, or indeed make any assumptions about it at all.

The confounding of "undefined" and "omitted" also means that, as it stands, isUndefined will return bogus results for some uses of undefined. A possible refinement is to provide an alternative to "Prelude.undefined" that could be assumed to only represent values that are "truly undefined". For now, isUndefined is provided as a convenience, but users are adviced to not rely on its results. Users are, however, encouraged to file bugs against libraries making unsound use of undefined.

isOmitted :: a -> IO BoolSource

Answer the age-old question "was this definition omitted?"

 isOmitted 0         = return False
 isOmitted undefined = return False
 isOmitted omitted   = return True

isUndefined :: a -> IO BoolSource

... or is it really undefined?

 isUndefined 0         = return False
 isUndefined omitted   = return False
 isUndefined undefined = return True