amazonka-0.3.2: Comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK

Safe HaskellNone




A monad transformer built on top of functions from Network.AWS which encapsulates various common parameters, errors, and usage patterns.




send :: (MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Env m, MonadError Error m, AWSRequest a) => a -> m (Rs a) Source

Send a data type which is an instance of AWSRequest, returning it's associated Rs response type.

This will throw any HTTPException or AWSServiceError returned by the service using the MonadError instance. In the case of AWST this will cause the internal ExceptT to short-circuit and return an Error in the Left case as the result of the computation.

See: sendCatch

send_ :: (MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Env m, MonadError Error m, AWSRequest a) => a -> m () Source

A variant of send which discards any successful response.

See: send

sendCatch :: (MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Env m, AWSRequest a) => a -> m (Response a) Source

Send a data type which is an instance of AWSRequest, returning either the associated Rs response type in the success case, or the related service's Er type in the error case.

This includes HTTPExceptions, serialisation errors, and any service errors returned as part of the Response.

Note: Requests will be retried depending upon each service's respective strategy. This can be overriden using once or envRetry. Requests which contain streaming request bodies (such as S3's PutObject) are never considered for retries.


paginate :: (MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Env m, MonadError Error m, AWSPager a) => a -> Source m (Rs a) Source

Send a data type which is an instance of AWSPager and paginate while there are more results as defined by the related service operation.

Errors will be handle identically to send.

Note: The ResumableSource will close when there are no more results or the ResourceT computation is unwrapped. See: runResourceT for more information.

See: paginateCatch

paginateCatch :: (MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Env m, AWSPager a) => a -> Source m (Response a) Source

Send a data type which is an instance of AWSPager and paginate over the associated Rs response type in the success case, or the related service's Er type in the error case.

Note: The ResumableSource will close when there are no more results or the ResourceT computation is unwrapped. See: runResourceT for more information.

Eventual consistency

await :: (MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Env m, MonadError Error m, AWSRequest a) => Wait a -> a -> m (Rs a) Source

Poll the API until a predfined condition is fulfilled using the supplied Wait specification from the respective service.

Any errors which are unhandled by the Wait specification during retries will be thrown in the same manner as send.

See: awaitCatch

awaitCatch :: (MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Env m, AWSRequest a) => Wait a -> a -> m (Response a) Source

Poll the API until a predfined condition is fulfilled using the supplied Wait specification from the respective service.

The response will be either the first error returned that is not handled by the specification, or the successful response from the await request.

Note: You can find any available Wait specifications under the namespace Network.AWS.ServiceName.Waiters for supported services.

Pre-signing URLs

presign Source


:: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m, AWSRequest a, AWSPresigner (Sg (Sv a))) 
=> a

Request to presign.

-> UTCTime

Signing time.

-> Integer

Expiry time in seconds.

-> m Request 

Presign an HTTP request that expires at the specified amount of time in the future.

Note: Requires the service's signer to be an instance of AWSPresigner. Not all signing process support this.

presignURL Source


:: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m, AWSRequest a, AWSPresigner (Sg (Sv a))) 
=> a

Request to presign.

-> UTCTime

Signing time.

-> Integer

Expiry time in seconds.

-> m ByteString 

Presign a URL that expires at the specified amount of time in the future.

See: presign


type AWS = AWST IO Source

A convenient alias for AWST IO.

data AWST m a Source

The transformer. This satisfies all of the constraints that the functions in this module require, such as providing MonadResource instances, and keeping track of the Env environment.

The MonadError instance for this transformer internally uses ExceptT to handle actions that result in an Error. For more information see sendCatch and paginateCatch.


MonadTrans AWST 
MonadTransControl AWST 
MMonad AWST 
MFunctor AWST 
Monad m => MonadError Error (AWST m) 
MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (AWST m) 
MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (AWST m) 
Monad m => MonadReader Env (AWST m) 
(Monad m, Functor m) => Alternative (AWST m) 
Monad m => Monad (AWST m) 
Functor m => Functor (AWST m) 
Monad m => MonadPlus (AWST m) 
(Monad m, Functor m) => Applicative (AWST m) 
MonadIO m => MonadIO (AWST m) 
(Applicative m, MonadIO m, MonadBase IO m, MonadThrow m) => MonadResource (AWST m) 
MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (AWST m) 
MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (AWST m) 
type StT AWST a = StT (ExceptT Error) (StT (ReaderT (Env, InternalState)) a) 
type StM (AWST m) a = ComposeSt AWST m a 

type MonadAWS m = (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadError Error m, MonadReader Env m) Source

Provides an alias for shortening type signatures if preferred.

Note: requires the ConstraintKinds extension.


runAWST :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Env -> AWST m a -> m (Either Error a) Source

Unwrap an AWST transformer, calling all of the registered ResourceT release actions.


data Region :: *


Eq Region 
Ord Region 
Read Region 
Show Region 
Generic Region 
ToXML Region 
FromXML Region 
ToText Region 
FromText Region 
ToByteString Region 
ToBuilder Region 
Hashable Region 
Default Region 
type Rep Region = D1 D1Region ((:+:) ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 C1_0Region U1) ((:+:) (C1 C1_1Region U1) (C1 C1_2Region U1))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_3Region U1) ((:+:) (C1 C1_4Region U1) (C1 C1_5Region U1)))) ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 C1_6Region U1) ((:+:) (C1 C1_7Region U1) (C1 C1_8Region U1))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_9Region U1) ((:+:) (C1 C1_10Region U1) (C1 C1_11Region U1))))) 

within :: MonadReader Env m => Region -> m a -> m a Source

Scope a monadic action within the specific Region.


once :: MonadReader Env m => m a -> m a Source

Scope a monadic action such that any retry logic for the Service is ignored and any requests will at most be sent once.


data Env Source

The environment containing the parameters required to make AWS requests.


ToBuilder Env 
Monad m => MonadReader Env (AWST m) 


envRegion :: Lens' Env Region Source

The current region.

envLogger :: Lens' Env Logger Source

The function used to output log messages.

envRetryCheck :: Lens' Env (Int -> HttpException -> IO Bool) Source

The function used to determine if an HttpException should be retried.

envRetryPolicy :: Lens' Env (Maybe RetryPolicy) Source

The RetryPolicy used to determine backoffon and retry delaygrowth.

envManager :: Lens' Env Manager Source

The Manager used to create and manage open HTTP connections.

envAuth :: Lens' Env Auth Source

The credentials used to sign requests for authentication with AWS.

Creating the environment

newEnv :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => Region -> Credentials -> Manager -> ExceptT String m Env Source

This creates a new environment without debug logging and uses getAuth to expand/discover the supplied Credentials.

Lenses such as envLogger can be used to modify the Env with a debug logger.

getEnv :: Region -> Credentials -> IO Env Source

Create a new environment in the specified Region with silent log output and a new Manager.

Any errors are thrown using error.

See: newEnv for safe Env instantiation.

Specifying credentials

data Credentials Source

Determines how authentication information is retrieved.


FromKeys AccessKey SecretKey

Explicit access and secret keys. Note: you can achieve the same result purely using fromKeys without having to use the impure getAuth.

FromSession AccessKey SecretKey SecurityToken

A session containing the access key, secret key, and a security token. Note: you can achieve the same result purely using fromSession without having to use the impure getAuth.

FromProfile Text

An IAM Profile name to lookup from the local EC2 instance-data.

FromEnv Text Text

Environment variables to lookup for the access and secret keys.


Attempt to read the default access and secret keys from the environment, falling back to the first available IAM profile if they are not set.

Note: This attempts to resolve http://instance-data rather than directly retrieving for IAM profile information to ensure the dns lookup terminates promptly if not running on EC2.

fromKeys :: AccessKey -> SecretKey -> Auth Source

Explicit access and secret keys.

fromSession :: AccessKey -> SecretKey -> SecurityToken -> Auth Source

A session containing the access key, secret key, and a security token.

getAuth :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => Manager -> Credentials -> ExceptT String m Auth Source

Retrieve authentication information using the specified Credentials style.

accessKey Source


:: Text


Default access key environment variable.

secretKey Source


:: Text


Default secret key environment variable.


newLogger :: MonadIO m => LogLevel -> Handle -> m Logger Source

This is a primitive logger which can be used to log messages to a Handle. A more sophisticated logging library such as tinylog or FastLogger should be used in production code.

info :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m, ToBuilder a) => a -> m () Source

Use the supplied logger from envLogger to log info messages.

Note: By default, the library does not output Info level messages. Exclusive output is guaranteed via use of this function.

debug :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m, ToBuilder a) => a -> m () Source

Use the supplied logger from envLogger to log debug messages.

trace :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m, ToBuilder a) => a -> m () Source

Use the supplied logger from envLogger to log trace messages.


type Error = ServiceError String Source

The top-level error type.

hoistEither :: (MonadError Error m, AWSError e) => Either e a -> m a Source

Hoist an Either throwing the Left case, and returning the Right.

throwAWSError :: (MonadError Error m, AWSError e) => e -> m a Source

Throw any AWSError using throwError.

verify :: (AWSError e, MonadError Error m) => Prism' e a -> e -> m () Source

Verify that an AWSError matches the given Prism, otherwise throw the error using throwAWSError.

verifyWith :: (AWSError e, MonadError Error m) => Prism' e a -> (a -> Bool) -> e -> m () Source

Verify that an AWSError matches the given Prism, with an additional guard on the result of the Prism.

See: verify

Streaming body helpers

sourceBody :: Digest SHA256 -> Int64 -> Source (ResourceT IO) ByteString -> RqBody Source

Unsafely construct a RqBody from a source, manually specifying the SHA256 hash and file size.

sourceHandle :: Digest SHA256 -> Int64 -> Handle -> RqBody Source

Unsafely construct a RqBody from a Handle, manually specifying the SHA256 hash and file size.

sourceFile :: Digest SHA256 -> Int64 -> FilePath -> RqBody Source

Unsafely construct a RqBody from a FilePath, manually specifying the SHA256 hash and file size.

sourceFileIO :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m RqBody Source

Safely construct a RqBody from a FilePath, calculating the SHA256 hash and file size.

Note: While this function will perform in constant space, it will read the entirety of the file contents _twice_. Firstly to calculate the SHA256 and lastly to stream the contents to the socket during sending.


class ToBuilder a where

Minimal complete definition



build :: a -> Builder


ToBuilder Bool 
ToBuilder Char 
ToBuilder Double 
ToBuilder Int 
ToBuilder Int64 
ToBuilder Integer 
ToBuilder Builder 
ToBuilder ByteString 
ToBuilder UTCTime 
ToBuilder Text 
ToBuilder LazyByteString 
ToBuilder RsBody 
ToBuilder RqBody 
ToBuilder RequestBody 
ToBuilder Request 
ToBuilder HttpVersion 
ToBuilder StdMethod 
ToBuilder Natural 
ToBuilder Region 
ToBuilder AuthEnv 
ToBuilder Auth 
ToBuilder AccessKey 
ToBuilder Env 
ToBuilder Accept 
ToBuilder Credentials 
ToBuilder [Char] 
ToBuilder [Header] 
ToBuilder a => ToBuilder (Maybe a) 
ToBuilder (Response a) 
ToBuilder a => ToBuilder (CI a) 
ToBuilder (Digest a) 
ToBuilder (Request a) 
ToBuilder (Meta V4) 
ToBuilder (Meta V2)