amazonka-cloudsearch-domains-0.0.1: Amazon CloudSearch Domain SDK.

Safe HaskellNone





data CloudSearchDomains Source

Version 2013-01-01 of the Amazon CloudSearch Domain service.


data JSONError :: *


Eq JSONError 
Show JSONError 
Generic JSONError 
type Rep JSONError = D1 D1JSONError (C1 C1_0JSONError ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0JSONError (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) (S1 S1_0_1JSONError (Rec0 Text)))) 


searchStatus :: SearchStatus Source

SearchStatus constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

ssRid :: Lens' SearchStatus (Maybe Text) Source

The encrypted resource ID for the request.

ssTimems :: Lens' SearchStatus (Maybe Integer) Source

How long it took to process the request, in milliseconds.



hit :: Hit Source

Hit constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

hitFields :: Lens' Hit (HashMap Text [Text]) Source

The fields returned from a document that matches the search request.

hitHighlights :: Lens' Hit (HashMap Text Text) Source

The highlights returned from a document that matches the search request.

hitId :: Lens' Hit (Maybe Text) Source

The document ID of a document that matches the search request.


suggestStatus :: SuggestStatus Source

SuggestStatus constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

ss1Rid :: Lens' SuggestStatus (Maybe Text) Source

The encrypted resource ID for the request.

ss1Timems :: Lens' SuggestStatus (Maybe Integer) Source

How long it took to process the request, in milliseconds.


bucket :: Bucket Source

Bucket constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

bCount :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Integer) Source

The number of hits that contain the facet value in the specified facet field.

bValue :: Lens' Bucket (Maybe Text) Source

The facet value being counted.


suggestionMatch :: SuggestionMatch Source

SuggestionMatch constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

smId :: Lens' SuggestionMatch (Maybe Text) Source

The document ID of the suggested document.

smScore :: Lens' SuggestionMatch (Maybe Integer) Source

The relevance score of a suggested match.

smSuggestion :: Lens' SuggestionMatch (Maybe Text) Source

The string that matches the query string specified in the SuggestRequest.


bucketInfo :: BucketInfo Source

BucketInfo constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

biBuckets :: Lens' BucketInfo [Bucket] Source

A list of the calculated facet values and counts.


documentServiceWarning :: DocumentServiceWarning Source

DocumentServiceWarning constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

dswMessage :: Lens' DocumentServiceWarning (Maybe Text) Source

The description for a warning returned by the document service.


suggestModel :: SuggestModel Source

SuggestModel constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

smFound :: Lens' SuggestModel (Maybe Integer) Source

The number of documents that were found to match the query string.

smQuery :: Lens' SuggestModel (Maybe Text) Source

The query string specified in the suggest request.

smSuggestions :: Lens' SuggestModel [SuggestionMatch] Source

The documents that match the query string.


hits :: Hits Source

Hits constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

hCursor :: Lens' Hits (Maybe Text) Source

A cursor that can be used to retrieve the next set of matching documents when you want to page through a large result set.

hFound :: Lens' Hits (Maybe Integer) Source

The total number of documents that match the search request.

hHit :: Lens' Hits [Hit] Source

A document that matches the search request.

hStart :: Lens' Hits (Maybe Integer) Source

The index of the first matching document.
