amazonka-cloudwatch-0.1.3: Amazon CloudWatch SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner. Returned metrics can be used with GetMetricStatistics to obtain statistical data for a given metric.



Request constructor

listMetrics :: ListMetrics Source

ListMetrics constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Request lenses

lmDimensions :: Lens' ListMetrics [DimensionFilter] Source

A list of dimensions to filter against.

lmMetricName :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the metric to filter against.

lmNamespace :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text) Source

The namespace to filter against.

lmNextToken :: Lens' ListMetrics (Maybe Text) Source

The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.


Response constructor

listMetricsResponse :: ListMetricsResponse Source

ListMetricsResponse constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Response lenses

lmrMetrics :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse [Metric] Source

A list of metrics used to generate statistics for an AWS account.

lmrNextToken :: Lens' ListMetricsResponse (Maybe Text) Source

A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.