amazonka-cloudwatch-logs-0.1.3: Amazon CloudWatch Logs SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Retrieves log events from the specified log stream. You can provide an optional time range to filter the results on the event timestamp.

By default, this operation returns as much log events as can fit in a response size of 1MB, up to 10,000 log events. The response will always include a nextForwardToken and a nextBackwardToken in the response body. You can use any of these tokens in subsequent GetLogEvents requests to paginate through events in either forward or backward direction. You can also limit the number of log events returned in the response by specifying the limit parameter in the request.



Request constructor

Request lenses

gleLimit :: Lens' GetLogEvents (Maybe Natural) Source

The maximum number of log events returned in the response. If you don't specify a value, the request would return as much log events as can fit in a response size of 1MB, up to 10,000 log events.

gleNextToken :: Lens' GetLogEvents (Maybe Text) Source

A string token used for pagination that points to the next page of results. It must be a value obtained from the nextForwardToken or nextBackwardToken fields in the response of the previous GetLogEvents request.

gleStartFromHead :: Lens' GetLogEvents (Maybe Bool) Source

If set to true, the earliest log events would be returned first. The default is false (the latest log events are returned first).


Response constructor

Response lenses