amazonka-glacier-0.3.4: Amazon Glacier SDK.

Safe HaskellNone





data Glacier Source

Version 2012-06-01 of the Amazon Glacier service.



data JSONError :: *


Eq JSONError 
Show JSONError 
Generic JSONError 
AWSErrorCode JSONError 
type Rep JSONError = D1 D1JSONError (C1 C1_0JSONError ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0JSONError (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_1JSONError (Rec0 ErrorCode)) (S1 S1_0_2JSONError (Rec0 Text))))) 


archiveCreationOutput :: ArchiveCreationOutput Source

ArchiveCreationOutput constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

acoArchiveId :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the archive. This value is also included as part of the location.

acoChecksum :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source

The checksum of the archive computed by Amazon Glacier.

acoLocation :: Lens' ArchiveCreationOutput (Maybe Text) Source

The relative URI path of the newly added archive resource.


uleArchiveDescription :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source

The description of the archive that was specified in the Initiate Multipart Upload request.

uleCreationDate :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source

The UTC time at which the multipart upload was initiated.

uleMultipartUploadId :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of a multipart upload.

ulePartSizeInBytes :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Integer) Source

The part size, in bytes, specified in the Initiate Multipart Upload request. This is the size of all the parts in the upload except the last part, which may be smaller than this size.

uleVaultARN :: Lens' UploadListElement (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault that contains the archive.


irjdEndDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The end of the date range in UTC for vault inventory retrieval that includes archives created before this date. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z.

irjdFormat :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The output format for the vault inventory list, which is set by the InitiateJob request when initiating a job to retrieve a vault inventory. Valid values are CSV and JSON.

irjdLimit :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

Specifies the maximum number of inventory items returned per vault inventory retrieval request. This limit is set when initiating the job with the a InitiateJob request.

irjdMarker :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

An opaque string that represents where to continue pagination of the vault inventory retrieval results. You use the marker in a new InitiateJob request to obtain additional inventory items. If there are no more inventory items, this value is null. For more information, see Range Inventory Retrieval.

irjdStartDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The start of the date range in UTC for vault inventory retrieval that includes archives created on or after this date. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z.


jpArchiveId :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the archive that you want to retrieve. This field is required only if Type is set to archive-retrieval. An error occurs if you specify this request parameter for an inventory retrieval job request.

jpDescription :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source

The optional description for the job. The description must be less than or equal to 1,024 bytes. The allowable characters are 7-bit ASCII without control codes-specifically, ASCII values 32-126 decimal or 0x20-0x7E hexadecimal.

jpFormat :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source

When initiating a job to retrieve a vault inventory, you can optionally add this parameter to your request to specify the output format. If you are initiating an inventory job and do not specify a Format field, JSON is the default format. Valid values are CSV and JSON.

jpInventoryRetrievalParameters :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe InventoryRetrievalJobInput) Source

Input parameters used for range inventory retrieval.

jpRetrievalByteRange :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source

The byte range to retrieve for an archive retrieval. in the form "StartByteValue-EndByteValue" If not specified, the whole archive is retrieved. If specified, the byte range must be megabyte (1024*1024) aligned which means that StartByteValue must be divisible by 1 MB and EndByteValue plus 1 must be divisible by 1 MB or be the end of the archive specified as the archive byte size value minus 1. If RetrievalByteRange is not megabyte aligned, this operation returns a 400 response.

An error occurs if you specify this field for an inventory retrieval job request.

jpSNSTopic :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon SNS topic ARN to which Amazon Glacier sends a notification when the job is completed and the output is ready for you to download. The specified topic publishes the notification to its subscribers. The SNS topic must exist.

jpType :: Lens' JobParameters (Maybe Text) Source

The job type. You can initiate a job to retrieve an archive or get an inventory of a vault. Valid values are "archive-retrieval" and "inventory-retrieval".


dvoCreationDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source

The UTC date when the vault was created. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, "2012-03-20T17:03:43.221Z".

dvoLastInventoryDate :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source

The UTC date when Amazon Glacier completed the last vault inventory. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, "2012-03-20T17:03:43.221Z".

dvoNumberOfArchives :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer) Source

The number of archives in the vault as of the last inventory date. This field will return null if an inventory has not yet run on the vault, for example, if you just created the vault.

dvoSizeInBytes :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Integer) Source

Total size, in bytes, of the archives in the vault as of the last inventory date. This field will return null if an inventory has not yet run on the vault, for example, if you just created the vault.

dvoVaultARN :: Lens' DescribeVaultOutput (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault.


dataRetrievalRule :: DataRetrievalRule Source

DataRetrievalRule constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:



vaultNotificationConfig :: VaultNotificationConfig Source

VaultNotificationConfig constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

vncEvents :: Lens' VaultNotificationConfig [Text] Source

A list of one or more events for which Amazon Glacier will send a notification to the specified Amazon SNS topic.

vncSNSTopic :: Lens' VaultNotificationConfig (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN).


irjiEndDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source

The end of the date range in UTC for vault inventory retrieval that includes archives created before this date. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z.

irjiLimit :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source

Specifies the maximum number of inventory items returned per vault inventory retrieval request. Valid values are greater than or equal to 1.

irjiMarker :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source

An opaque string that represents where to continue pagination of the vault inventory retrieval results. You use the marker in a new InitiateJob request to obtain additional inventory items. If there are no more inventory items, this value is null.

irjiStartDate :: Lens' InventoryRetrievalJobInput (Maybe Text) Source

The start of the date range in UTC for vault inventory retrieval that includes archives created on or after this date. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, 2013-03-20T17:03:43Z.


partListElement :: PartListElement Source

PartListElement constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

pleRangeInBytes :: Lens' PartListElement (Maybe Text) Source

The byte range of a part, inclusive of the upper value of the range.

pleSHA256TreeHash :: Lens' PartListElement (Maybe Text) Source

The SHA256 tree hash value that Amazon Glacier calculated for the part. This field is never null.


dataRetrievalPolicy :: DataRetrievalPolicy Source

DataRetrievalPolicy constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


gjdAction :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe ActionCode) Source

The job type. It is either ArchiveRetrieval or InventoryRetrieval.

gjdArchiveId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

For an ArchiveRetrieval job, this is the archive ID requested for download. Otherwise, this field is null.

gjdArchiveSHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The SHA256 tree hash of the entire archive for an archive retrieval. For inventory retrieval jobs, this field is null.

gjdArchiveSizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer) Source

For an ArchiveRetrieval job, this is the size in bytes of the archive being requested for download. For the InventoryRetrieval job, the value is null.

gjdCompleted :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Bool) Source

The job status. When a job is completed, you get the job's output.

gjdCompletionDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The UTC time that the archive retrieval request completed. While the job is in progress, the value will be null.

gjdCreationDate :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The UTC date when the job was created. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, "2012-03-20T17:03:43.221Z".

gjdInventorySizeInBytes :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Integer) Source

For an InventoryRetrieval job, this is the size in bytes of the inventory requested for download. For the ArchiveRetrieval job, the value is null.

gjdJobDescription :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The job description you provided when you initiated the job.

gjdJobId :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

An opaque string that identifies an Amazon Glacier job.

gjdRetrievalByteRange :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The retrieved byte range for archive retrieval jobs in the form "StartByteValue-EndByteValue" If no range was specified in the archive retrieval, then the whole archive is retrieved and StartByteValue equals 0 and EndByteValue equals the size of the archive minus 1. For inventory retrieval jobs this field is null.

gjdSHA256TreeHash :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

For an ArchiveRetrieval job, it is the checksum of the archive. Otherwise, the value is null.

The SHA256 tree hash value for the requested range of an archive. If the Initiate a Job request for an archive specified a tree-hash aligned range, then this field returns a value.

For the specific case when the whole archive is retrieved, this value is the same as the ArchiveSHA256TreeHash value.

This field is null in the following situations: Archive retrieval jobs that specify a range that is not tree-hash aligned.

Archival jobs that specify a range that is equal to the whole archive and the job status is InProgress.

Inventory jobs.

gjdSNSTopic :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

An Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that receives notification.

gjdStatusCode :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe StatusCode) Source

The status code can be InProgress, Succeeded, or Failed, and indicates the status of the job.

gjdStatusMessage :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

A friendly message that describes the job status.

gjdVaultARN :: Lens' GlacierJobDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault from which the archive retrieval was requested.
