amazonka-importexport- Amazon Import/Export SDK.

Copyright(c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




You use this operation to change the parameters specified in the original manifest file by supplying a new manifest file. The manifest file attached to this request replaces the original manifest file. You can only use the operation after a CreateJob request but before the data transfer starts and you can only use it on jobs you own.

See: AWS API Reference for UpdateJob.


Creating a Request

updateJob Source

Creates a value of UpdateJob with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Request Lenses

ujAPIVersion :: Lens' UpdateJob (Maybe Text) Source

Undocumented member.

ujJobId :: Lens' UpdateJob Text Source

Undocumented member.

ujManifest :: Lens' UpdateJob Text Source

Undocumented member.

ujJobType :: Lens' UpdateJob JobType Source

Undocumented member.

ujValidateOnly :: Lens' UpdateJob Bool Source

Undocumented member.

Destructuring the Response

updateJobResponse Source

Creates a value of UpdateJobResponse with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Response Lenses

ujrsStatus :: Lens' UpdateJobResponse Int Source

The response status code.