amazonka-kms-0.0.2: Amazon Key Management Service SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Decrypts ciphertext. Ciphertext is plaintext that has been previously encrypted by using the Encrypt function.



Request constructor

decrypt Source

Decrypt constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Request lenses

dCiphertextBlob :: Lens' Decrypt Base64 Source

Ciphertext including metadata.

dEncryptionContext :: Lens' Decrypt (HashMap Text Text) Source

The encryption context. If this was specified in the Encrypt function, it must be specified here or the decryption operation will fail. For more information, see Encryption Context.

dGrantTokens :: Lens' Decrypt [Text] Source

A list of grant tokens that represent grants which can be used to provide long term permissions to perform decryption.


Response constructor

decryptResponse :: DecryptResponse Source

DecryptResponse constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Response lenses

drKeyId :: Lens' DecryptResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Unique identifier created by the system for the key. This value is always returned as long as no errors are encountered during the operation.

drPlaintext :: Lens' DecryptResponse (Maybe Base64) Source

Decrypted plaintext data. This value may not be returned if the customer master key is not available or if you didn't have permission to use it.