amazonka-lambda-0.0.7: Amazon Lambda SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Updates the configuration parameters for the specified Lambda function by using the values provided in the request. You provide only the parameters you want to change. This operation must only be used on an existing Lambda function and cannot be used to update the function's code.

This operation requires permission for the 'lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration' action.



Request constructor

Request lenses

ufcDescription :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source

A short user-defined function description. Lambda does not use this value. Assign a meaningful description as you see fit.

ufcFunctionName :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration Text Source

The name of the Lambda function.

ufcHandler :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source

The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function. For Node.js, it is the module-name.export value in your function.

ufcMemorySize :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Natural) Source

The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. Lambda uses this memory size to infer the amount of CPU allocated to your function. Your function use-case determines your CPU and memory requirements. For example, a database operation might need less memory compared to an image processing function. The default value is 128 MB. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB.

ufcRole :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda will assume when it executes your function.

ufcTimeout :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfiguration (Maybe Natural) Source

The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds.


Response constructor

Response lenses

ufcrCodeSize :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Integer) Source

The size, in bytes, of the function .zip file you uploaded.

ufcrConfigurationId :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source

A Lambda-assigned unique identifier for the current function code and related configuration.

ufcrFunctionARN :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.

ufcrHandler :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The function Lambda calls to begin executing your function.

ufcrLastModified :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The timestamp of the last time you updated the function.

ufcrMemorySize :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Natural) Source

The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.

ufcrMode :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Mode) Source

The type of the Lambda function you uploaded.

ufcrRole :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Text) Source

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.

ufcrRuntime :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Runtime) Source

The runtime environment for the Lambda function.

ufcrTimeout :: Lens' UpdateFunctionConfigurationResponse (Maybe Natural) Source

The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds.