amazonka-rds-0.2.3: Amazon Relational Database Service SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Returns a list of orderable DB instance options for the specified engine.



Request constructor

Request lenses

dodbioDBInstanceClass :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The DB instance class filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the specified DB instance class.

dodbioEngine :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions Text Source

The name of the engine to retrieve DB instance options for.

dodbioEngineVersion :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The engine version filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the specified engine version.

dodbioFilters :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions [Filter] Source

This parameter is not currently supported.

dodbioLicenseModel :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The license model filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the specified license model.

dodbioMarker :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions (Maybe Text) Source

An optional pagination token provided by a previous DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords .

dodbioMaxRecords :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions (Maybe Int) Source

The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

Default: 100

Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100

dodbioVpc :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

The VPC filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available VPC or non-VPC offerings.


Response constructor

Response lenses

dodbiorMarker :: Lens' DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source

An optional pagination token provided by a previous OrderableDBInstanceOptions request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords .