amazonka-sdb-0.0.0: Amazon SimpleDB SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Returns information about the domain, including when the domain was created, the number of items and attributes in the domain, and the size of the attribute names and values.



Request constructor

domainMetadata Source

DomainMetadata constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Request lenses

dmDomainName :: Lens' DomainMetadata Text Source

The name of the domain for which to display the metadata of.


Response constructor

Response lenses

dmrAttributeNameCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source

The number of unique attribute names in the domain.

dmrAttributeNamesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer) Source

The total size of all unique attribute names in the domain, in bytes.

dmrAttributeValueCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source

The number of all attribute name/value pairs in the domain.

dmrAttributeValuesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer) Source

The total size of all attribute values in the domain, in bytes.

dmrItemCount :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source

The number of all items in the domain.

dmrItemNamesSizeBytes :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Integer) Source

The total size of all item names in the domain, in bytes.

dmrTimestamp :: Lens' DomainMetadataResponse (Maybe Int) Source

The data and time when metadata was calculated, in Epoch (UNIX) seconds.