amazonka-support-0.3.1: Amazon Support SDK.

Safe HaskellNone





data Support Source

Version 2013-04-15 of the Amazon Support service.


AWSService Support 
type Sg Support = V4 
type Er Support = JSONError 


data JSONError :: *


Eq JSONError 
Show JSONError 
Generic JSONError 
AWSErrorCode JSONError 
type Rep JSONError = D1 D1JSONError (C1 C1_0JSONError ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0JSONError (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_1JSONError (Rec0 ErrorCode)) (S1 S1_0_2JSONError (Rec0 Text))))) 


tarsResourcesFlagged :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourcesSummary Integer Source

The number of AWS resources that were flagged (listed) by the Trusted Advisor check.

tarsResourcesIgnored :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourcesSummary Integer Source

The number of AWS resources ignored by Trusted Advisor because information was unavailable.

tarsResourcesProcessed :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourcesSummary Integer Source

The number of AWS resources that were analyzed by the Trusted Advisor check.

tarsResourcesSuppressed :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourcesSummary Integer Source

The number of AWS resources ignored by Trusted Advisor because they were marked as suppressed by the user.


tacssCostOptimizing :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCategorySpecificSummary (Maybe TrustedAdvisorCostOptimizingSummary) Source

The summary information about cost savings for a Trusted Advisor check that is in the Cost Optimizing category.


communication :: Communication Source

Communication constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

cAttachmentSet :: Lens' Communication [AttachmentDetails] Source

Information about the attachments to the case communication.

cBody :: Lens' Communication (Maybe Text) Source

The text of the communication between the customer and AWS Support.

cCaseId :: Lens' Communication (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

cSubmittedBy :: Lens' Communication (Maybe Text) Source

The email address of the account that submitted the AWS Support case.

cTimeCreated :: Lens' Communication (Maybe Text) Source

The time the communication was created.


category :: Category Source

Category constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

cCode :: Lens' Category (Maybe Text) Source

The category code for the support case.

cName :: Lens' Category (Maybe Text) Source

The category name for the support case.


tacsCategorySpecificSummary :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary TrustedAdvisorCategorySpecificSummary Source

Summary information that relates to the category of the check. Cost Optimizing is the only category that is currently supported.

tacsCheckId :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary Text Source

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

tacsHasFlaggedResources :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary (Maybe Bool) Source

Specifies whether the Trusted Advisor check has flagged resources.

tacsStatus :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary Text Source

The alert status of the check: "ok" (green), "warning" (yellow), "error" (red), or "not_available".

tacsTimestamp :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary Text Source

The time of the last refresh of the check.


attachmentDetails :: AttachmentDetails Source

AttachmentDetails constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

adAttachmentId :: Lens' AttachmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The ID of the attachment.

adFileName :: Lens' AttachmentDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The file name of the attachment.


tacrCategorySpecificSummary :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckResult TrustedAdvisorCategorySpecificSummary Source

Summary information that relates to the category of the check. Cost Optimizing is the only category that is currently supported.

tacrCheckId :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckResult Text Source

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

tacrFlaggedResources :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckResult [TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail] Source

The details about each resource listed in the check result.

tacrStatus :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckResult Text Source

The alert status of the check: "ok" (green), "warning" (yellow), "error" (red), or "not_available".

tacrTimestamp :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckResult Text Source

The time of the last refresh of the check.


tacdCategory :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription Text Source

The category of the Trusted Advisor check.

tacdDescription :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription Text Source

The description of the Trusted Advisor check, which includes the alert criteria and recommended actions (contains HTML markup).

tacdId :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription Text Source

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

tacdMetadata :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription [Text] Source

The column headings for the data returned by the Trusted Advisor check. The order of the headings corresponds to the order of the data in the Metadata element of the TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail for the check. Metadata contains all the data that is shown in the Excel download, even in those cases where the UI shows just summary data.

tacdName :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription Text Source

The display name for the Trusted Advisor check.


attachment :: Attachment Source

Attachment constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

aData :: Lens' Attachment (Maybe Base64) Source

The content of the attachment file.

aFileName :: Lens' Attachment (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the attachment file.


rccCommunications :: Lens' RecentCaseCommunications [Communication] Source

The five most recent communications associated with the case.

rccNextToken :: Lens' RecentCaseCommunications (Maybe Text) Source

A resumption point for pagination.


supportService :: SupportService Source

SupportService constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

ssCategories :: Lens' SupportService [Category] Source

A list of categories that describe the type of support issue a case describes. Categories consist of a category name and a category code. Category names and codes are passed to AWS Support when you call CreateCase.

ssCode :: Lens' SupportService (Maybe Text) Source

The code for an AWS service returned by the DescribeServices response. The Name element contains the corresponding friendly name.

ssName :: Lens' SupportService (Maybe Text) Source

The friendly name for an AWS service. The Code element contains the corresponding code.


tardIsSuppressed :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail (Maybe Bool) Source

Specifies whether the AWS resource was ignored by Trusted Advisor because it was marked as suppressed by the user.

tardMetadata :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail [Text] Source

Additional information about the identified resource. The exact metadata and its order can be obtained by inspecting the TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription object returned by the call to DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks. Metadata contains all the data that is shown in the Excel download, even in those cases where the UI shows just summary data.

tardRegion :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail Text Source

The AWS region in which the identified resource is located.

tardResourceId :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail Text Source

The unique identifier for the identified resource.

tardStatus :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail Text Source

The status code for the resource identified in the Trusted Advisor check.


tacosEstimatedMonthlySavings :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCostOptimizingSummary Double Source

The estimated monthly savings that might be realized if the recommended actions are taken.

tacosEstimatedPercentMonthlySavings :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCostOptimizingSummary Double Source

The estimated percentage of savings that might be realized if the recommended actions are taken.


severityLevel :: SeverityLevel Source

SeverityLevel constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

slCode :: Lens' SeverityLevel (Maybe Text) Source

One of four values: "low," "medium," "high," and "urgent". These values correspond to response times returned to the caller in name.

slName :: Lens' SeverityLevel (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the severity level that corresponds to the severity level code.


cdCaseId :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

cdCategoryCode :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The category of problem for the AWS Support case.

cdCcEmailAddresses :: Lens' CaseDetails [Text] Source

The email addresses that receive copies of communication about the case.

cdDisplayId :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The ID displayed for the case in the AWS Support Center. This is a numeric string.

cdLanguage :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The ISO 639-1 code for the language in which AWS provides support. AWS Support currently supports English ("en") and Japanese ("ja"). Language parameters must be passed explicitly for operations that take them.

cdRecentCommunications :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe RecentCaseCommunications) Source

The five most recent communications between you and AWS Support Center, including the IDs of any attachments to the communications. Also includes a nextToken that you can use to retrieve earlier communications.

cdServiceCode :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The code for the AWS service returned by the call to DescribeServices.

cdSeverityCode :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The code for the severity level returned by the call to DescribeSeverityLevels .

cdStatus :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The status of the case.

cdSubject :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The subject line for the case in the AWS Support Center.

cdSubmittedBy :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The email address of the account that submitted the case.

cdTimeCreated :: Lens' CaseDetails (Maybe Text) Source

The time that the case was case created in the AWS Support Center.


tacrsCheckId :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatus Text Source

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

tacrsMillisUntilNextRefreshable :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatus Integer Source

The amount of time, in milliseconds, until the Trusted Advisor check is eligible for refresh.

tacrsStatus :: Lens' TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatus Text Source

The status of the Trusted Advisor check for which a refresh has been requested: "none", "enqueued", "processing", "success", or "abandoned".