approximate- Approximate discrete values and numbers

Copyright(c) Edward Kmett 2013
MaintainerEdward Kmett <>
Safe HaskellNone






data Mass a Source

A quantity with a lower-bound on its probability mass. This represents a 'probable value' as a Monad that you can use to calculate progressively less likely consequences.

NB: These probabilities are all stored in the log domain. This enables us to retain accuracy despite very long multiplication chains. We never add these probabilities so the additional overhead of working in the log domain is never incurred, except on transitioning in and out.

This is most useful for discrete types, such as small Integral instances or a Bounded Enum like Bool.

Also note that (&?) and (|?) are able to use knowledge about the function to get better precision on their results than naively using liftA2 (&&)


Mass !(Log Double) a 

(|?) :: Mass Bool -> Mass Bool -> Mass Bool infixr 2 Source

Calculate the logical or of two booleans with confidence lower bounds.

(&?) :: Mass Bool -> Mass Bool -> Mass Bool infixr 3 Source

Calculate the logical and of two booleans with confidence lower bounds.

(^?) :: Mass Bool -> Mass Bool -> Mass Bool infixl 6 Source

Calculate the exclusive or of two booleans with confidence lower bounds.