arithmoi- Efficient basic number-theoretic functions. Primes, powers, integer logarithms.

PortabilityNon-portable (GHC extensions)
MaintainerDaniel Fischer <>




Integer Logarithms. For efficiency, the internal representation of Integers from integer-gmp is used.


Integer logarithms with input checks

integerLogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> IntSource

Calculate the integer logarithm for an arbitrary base. The base must be greater than 1, the second argument, the number whose logarithm is sought, must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown. If base == 2, the specialised version is called, which is more efficient than the general algorithm.


 base ^ integerLogBase base m <= m < base ^ (integerLogBase base m + 1)

for base > 1 and m > 0.

integerLog2 :: Integer -> IntSource

Calculate the integer logarithm of an Integer to base 2. The argument must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.

intLog2 :: Int -> IntSource

Calculate the integer logarithm of an Int to base 2. The argument must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.

wordLog2 :: Word -> IntSource

Calculate the integer logarithm of a Word to base 2. The argument must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.

Integer logarithms without input checks

integerLogBase' :: Integer -> Integer -> IntSource

Same as integerLogBase, but without checks, saves a little time when called often for known good input.

integerLog2' :: Integer -> IntSource

Same as integerLog2, but without checks, saves a little time when called often for known good input.

intLog2' :: Int -> IntSource

Same as intLog2, but without checks, saves a little time when called often for known good input.

wordLog2' :: Word -> IntSource

Same as wordLog2, but without checks, saves a little time when called often for known good input.