atp-haskell-1.8: Translation from Ocaml to Haskell of John Harrison's ATP code

Safe HaskellNone




Basic stuff for propositional logic: datatype, parsing and printing. IsPropositional is a subclass of IsLiteral of formula types that support binary combinations.


Propositional formulas

class IsLiteral formula => IsPropositional formula where Source

A type class for propositional logic. If the type we are writing an instance for is a zero-order (aka propositional) logic type there will generally by a type or a type parameter corresponding to atom. For first order or predicate logic types, it is generally easiest to just use the formula type itself as the atom type, and raise errors in the implementation if a non-atomic formula somehow appears where an atomic formula is expected (i.e. as an argument to atomic or to the third argument of foldPropositional.)


(.|.) :: formula -> formula -> formula infixl 4 Source


(.&.) :: formula -> formula -> formula infixl 5 Source

Conjunction/AND. x .&. y = (.~.) ((.~.) x .|. (.~.) y)

(.<=>.) :: formula -> formula -> formula infixl 2 Source

Equivalence. x .=. y = (x .=>. y) .&. (y .=>. x)

(.=>.) :: formula -> formula -> formula infixr 3 Source

Implication. x .=>. y = ((.~.) x .|. y)

foldPropositional' Source


:: (formula -> r)

fold on some higher order formula

-> (formula -> BinOp -> formula -> r)

fold on a binary operation formula. Functions of this type can be constructed using binop.

-> (formula -> r)

fold on a negated formula

-> (Bool -> r)

fold on a boolean formula

-> (AtomOf formula -> r)

fold on an atomic formula

-> formula 
-> r 

A fold function that distributes different sorts of formula to its parameter functions, one to handle binary operators, one for negations, and one for atomic formulas. See examples of its use to implement the polymorphic functions below.

foldCombination :: (formula -> r) -> (formula -> formula -> r) -> (formula -> formula -> r) -> (formula -> formula -> r) -> (formula -> formula -> r) -> formula -> r Source

An alternative fold function for binary combinations of formulas


IsAtom atom => IsPropositional (PFormula atom) Source 
(IsFormula (QFormula v atom), HasApply atom, (~) * v (TVarOf (TermOf atom))) => IsPropositional (QFormula v atom) Source 

data BinOp Source

This type is used to construct the first argument of foldPropositional.



binop :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> BinOp -> formula -> formula Source

Combine formulas with a BinOp, for use building the first argument of foldPropositional.

(⇒) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixr 3 Source

Implication synonyms. Note that if the -XUnicodeSyntax option is turned on the operator ⇒ can not be declared/used as a function - it becomes a reserved special character used in type signatures.

(==>) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixr 3 Source

Implication synonyms. Note that if the -XUnicodeSyntax option is turned on the operator ⇒ can not be declared/used as a function - it becomes a reserved special character used in type signatures.

(⊃) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixr 3 Source

Implication synonyms. Note that if the -XUnicodeSyntax option is turned on the operator ⇒ can not be declared/used as a function - it becomes a reserved special character used in type signatures.

(→) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixr 3 Source

Implication synonyms. Note that if the -XUnicodeSyntax option is turned on the operator ⇒ can not be declared/used as a function - it becomes a reserved special character used in type signatures.

(⇔) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixl 2 Source

If-and-only-if synonyms

(<=>) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixl 2 Source

If-and-only-if synonyms

(↔) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixl 2 Source

If-and-only-if synonyms

(<==>) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixl 2 Source

If-and-only-if synonyms

(∧) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixl 5 Source

And/conjunction synonyms

· :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixl 5 Source

And/conjunction synonyms

(∨) :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula -> formula infixl 4 Source

Or/disjunction synonyms

foldPropositional Source


:: JustPropositional pf 
=> (pf -> BinOp -> pf -> r)

fold on a binary operation formula

-> (pf -> r)

fold on a negated formula

-> (Bool -> r)

fold on a boolean formula

-> (AtomOf pf -> r)

fold on an atomic formula

-> pf 
-> r 

Deconstruct a JustPropositional formula.

zipPropositional Source


:: (JustPropositional pf1, JustPropositional pf2) 
=> (pf1 -> BinOp -> pf1 -> pf2 -> BinOp -> pf2 -> Maybe r)

Combine two binary operation formulas

-> (pf1 -> pf2 -> Maybe r)

Combine two negated formulas

-> (Bool -> Bool -> Maybe r)

Combine two boolean formulas

-> (AtomOf pf1 -> AtomOf pf2 -> Maybe r)

Combine two atomic formulas

-> pf1 
-> pf2 
-> Maybe r

Result is Nothing if the formulas don't unify

Combine two JustPropositional formulas if they are similar.

convertPropositional Source


:: (JustPropositional pf1, IsPropositional pf2) 
=> (AtomOf pf1 -> AtomOf pf2)

Convert an atomic formula

-> pf1 
-> pf2 

Convert any instance of JustPropositional to any IsPropositional formula.

convertToPropositional Source


:: (IsPropositional formula, JustPropositional pf) 
=> (formula -> pf)

Convert a higher order formula

-> (AtomOf formula -> AtomOf pf)

Convert an atomic formula

-> formula 
-> pf 

Convert any instance of IsPropositional to a JustPropositional formula. Typically the ho (higher order) argument calls error if it encounters something it can't handle.

precedencePropositional :: JustPropositional pf => pf -> Precedence Source

Implementation of precedence for any JustPropostional type.

prettyPropositional :: forall pf. JustPropositional pf => Side -> PrettyLevel -> Rational -> pf -> Doc Source

Implementation of pPrint for any JustPropostional type.

showPropositional :: JustPropositional pf => Side -> Int -> pf -> ShowS Source

Implementation of show for any JustPropositional type. For clarity, show methods fully parenthesize

onatomsPropositional :: JustPropositional pf => (AtomOf pf -> AtomOf pf) -> pf -> pf Source

Implementation of onatoms for any JustPropositional type.

overatomsPropositional :: JustPropositional pf => (AtomOf pf -> r -> r) -> pf -> r -> r Source

Implementation of overatoms for any JustPropositional type.

Restricted propositional formula class

class IsPropositional formula => JustPropositional formula Source

Class that indicates a formula type *only* supports Propositional features - it has no way to represent quantifiers.


Interpretation of formulas.

eval :: JustPropositional pf => pf -> (AtomOf pf -> Bool) -> Bool Source

Interpretation of formulas.

atoms :: IsFormula formula => formula -> Set (AtomOf formula) Source

Return the set of propositional variables in a formula.

Truth Tables

data TruthTable a Source


TruthTable [a] [TruthTableRow] 


Eq a => Eq (TruthTable a) Source 
Show a => Show (TruthTable a) Source 
Pretty atom => Pretty (TruthTable atom) Source 

onallvaluations :: Ord atom => (r -> r -> r) -> ((atom -> Bool) -> r) -> (atom -> Bool) -> Set atom -> r Source

truthTable :: JustPropositional pf => pf -> TruthTable (AtomOf pf) Source

Code to print out truth tables.

Tautologies and related concepts

tautology :: JustPropositional pf => pf -> Bool Source

Recognizing tautologies.

unsatisfiable :: JustPropositional pf => pf -> Bool Source

Related concepts.


psubst :: JustPropositional formula => Map (AtomOf formula) formula -> formula -> formula Source

Substitution operation.


dual :: JustPropositional pf => pf -> pf Source



psimplify :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula Source

Routine simplification.

psimplify1 :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula Source

Normal forms

nnf :: JustPropositional pf => pf -> pf Source

Negation normal form.

nenf :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula Source

list_conj :: (Foldable t, IsFormula formula, IsPropositional formula) => t formula -> formula Source

Disjunctive normal form (DNF) via truth tables.

list_disj :: (Foldable t, IsFormula formula, IsPropositional formula) => t formula -> formula Source

mk_lits :: (JustPropositional pf, Ord pf) => Set pf -> (AtomOf pf -> Bool) -> pf Source

allsatvaluations :: Ord atom => ((atom -> Bool) -> Bool) -> (atom -> Bool) -> Set atom -> [atom -> Bool] Source

dnfSet :: (JustPropositional pf, Ord pf) => pf -> pf Source

purednf :: (JustPropositional pf, IsLiteral lit, JustLiteral lit, Ord lit) => (AtomOf pf -> AtomOf lit) -> pf -> Set (Set lit) Source

simpdnf :: (JustPropositional pf, IsLiteral lit, JustLiteral lit, Ord lit) => (AtomOf pf -> AtomOf lit) -> pf -> Set (Set lit) Source

With subsumption checking, done very naively (quadratic).

rawdnf :: IsPropositional formula => formula -> formula Source

dnf :: forall pf. (JustPropositional pf, Ord pf) => pf -> pf Source

Mapping back to a formula.

purecnf :: (JustPropositional pf, JustLiteral lit, Ord lit) => (AtomOf pf -> AtomOf lit) -> pf -> Set (Set lit) Source

Conjunctive normal form (CNF) by essentially the same code. (p. 60)

simpcnf :: (JustPropositional pf, JustLiteral lit, Ord lit) => (AtomOf pf -> AtomOf lit) -> pf -> Set (Set lit) Source

cnf' :: forall pf. (JustPropositional pf, Ord pf) => pf -> pf Source

cnf_ :: (IsPropositional pf, Ord pf, JustLiteral lit) => (AtomOf lit -> AtomOf pf) -> Set (Set lit) -> pf Source

trivial :: (Ord lit, IsLiteral lit) => Set lit -> Bool Source

Filtering out trivial disjuncts (in this guise, contradictory).


data Prop Source

An instance of IsPredicate.




pname :: String

data PFormula atom Source

An instance of IsPropositional.


Atom atom 
Not (PFormula atom) 
And (PFormula atom) (PFormula atom) 
Or (PFormula atom) (PFormula atom) 
Imp (PFormula atom) (PFormula atom) 
Iff (PFormula atom) (PFormula atom) 


Eq atom => Eq (PFormula atom) Source 
Data atom => Data (PFormula atom) Source 
Ord atom => Ord (PFormula atom) Source 
Read atom => Read (PFormula atom) Source 
(IsPropositional (PFormula atom), Show atom) => Show (PFormula atom) Source 
IsAtom atom => Pretty (PFormula atom) Source 
IsAtom atom => HasFixity (PFormula atom) Source 
IsAtom atom => IsFormula (PFormula atom) Source 
IsAtom atom => IsLiteral (PFormula atom) Source 
IsAtom atom => JustPropositional (PFormula atom) Source 
IsAtom atom => IsPropositional (PFormula atom) Source 
type AtomOf (PFormula atom) = atom Source 
