aws-kinesis-client- A producer & consumer client library for AWS Kinesis

CopyrightCopyright © 2013-2014 PivotCloud, Inc.
MaintainerJon Sterling <>
Safe HaskellNone






The Producer

data KinesisProducer Source

The (abstract) Kinesis producer client.

withKinesisProducer :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError ProducerError m) => ProducerKit -> (KinesisProducer -> m α) -> m α Source

This constructs a KinesisProducer and closes it when you have done with it.

managedKinesisProducer :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError ProducerError m) => ProducerKit -> Codensity m KinesisProducer Source

This constructs a KinesisProducer and closes it when you have done with it. This is equivalent to withKinesisProducer, but replaces the continuation with a return in Codensity.


writeProducer :: MonadProducer m => KinesisProducer -> Message -> m () Source

Enqueues a message to Kinesis on the next shard. If a message cannot be enqueued (because the client has exceeded its queue size), the MessageNotEnqueued exception will be thrown.

Producer Environment

type MonadProducer m = (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError ProducerError m) Source

The basic effect modality required to use the Kinesis producer.

data ProducerKit Source

The basic input required to construct a Kinesis producer.




_pkKinesisKit :: !KinesisKit

The basic information required to send requests to AWS Kinesis.

_pkStreamName :: !StreamName

The name of the stream to send records to.

_pkBatchPolicy :: !BatchPolicy

The record batching policy for the producer.

_pkMessageQueueBounds :: !Int

The maximum number of records that may be enqueued at one time.

_pkMaxConcurrency :: !Int

The number of requests to run concurrently (minimum: 1).

data ProducerError Source


KinesisError !SomeException

Represents an error which occured as a result of a request to Kinesis.

MessageNotEnqueued Message

Thrown when a message could not be enqueued since the queue was full. This error must be handled at the call-site.


Thrown when pkMaxConcurrency is set with an invalid value.

data BatchPolicy Source

The producer batches records according to a user-specified policy.

defaultBatchPolicy :: BatchPolicy Source

The default batching policy sends '200' records per PutRecordsEndpoint request.

bpBatchSize :: Lens' BatchPolicy Int Source

The number of records to send in a single request. This is only used when the endpoint is set to PutRecordsEndpoint.

bpEndpoint :: Lens' BatchPolicy RecordEndpoint Source

The endpoint to use when sending records to Kinesis.

data RecordEndpoint Source

There are two endpoints which may be used to send records to Kinesis.



Use the PutRecord endpoint, which sends records one at a time.


Use the PutRecords endpoint, which sends records in batches.