bake-0.4: Continuous integration system

Safe HaskellNone




A continuous integration system. For an example of how to get started see



bake :: (Stringy state, Stringy patch, Stringy test) => Oven state patch test -> IO () Source

The entry point to the system. Usually you will define:

main = bake myOven

Where myOven defines details about the server. The program deals with command line arguments, run --help for details.

Central types

data Oven state patch test Source

The central type defining a continuous integration system. Usually constructed with defaultOven then filled out with other Oven modifiers such as ovenGit and ovenTest.

The types are: state is the base state of the system (think HEAD on the master branch); patch is a change that is proposed (think a diff); test is the type of tests that are run.

All IO operations will be called in a direct subdirectory of the directory you start bake from. In particular: ovenInit will always be called single-threaded from bake-init; ovenUpdate will always be called single-threaded from bake-update-hash; ovenPatchExtra will always be called from bake-extra-hash; ovenPrepare and run will always be called from bake-test-hash.




ovenInit :: IO state

Get an initial state

ovenUpdate :: state -> [patch] -> IO state

Given a state, and a set of candiates that have passed, merge to create a new state

ovenPrepare :: state -> [patch] -> IO [test]

Prepare a candidate to be run, produces the tests that must pass

ovenTestInfo :: test -> TestInfo test

Produce information about a test

ovenNotify :: Author -> String -> String -> IO ()

Tell an author some information. The first String is a subject line, the second an HTML fragment.

ovenPatchExtra :: state -> Maybe patch -> IO (String, String)

Extra information about a patch, a single line (HTML span), and a longer chunk (HTML block)

ovenServer :: (Host, Port)

Default server to use

ovenSupersede :: patch -> patch -> Bool

Given two patches (first on submitted first) is the first now redundant

defaultOven :: Oven () () () Source

The default oven, which doesn't do anything interesting. Usually the starting point.

class Stringy s where Source

A type representing a translation between a value and a string, which can be produced by readShowStringy if the type has both Read and Show instances. The functions stringyTo and stringyFrom should be inverses of each other. The function stringyPretty shows a value in a way suitable for humans, and can discard uninteresting information.

Minimal complete definition

stringyTo, stringyFrom

Oven modifiers

ovenTest :: IO [test] -> (test -> TestInfo test) -> Oven state patch () -> Oven state patch test Source

Given a Stringy for test, and a function that when run on a code base returns the list of tests that need running, and a function to populate a TestInfo, modify the Oven with a test type.

data SHA1 Source


ovenGit :: String -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> Oven () () test -> Oven SHA1 SHA1 test Source

Modify an Oven to work with the Git version control system. Requires the name of the repo (e.g. and the name of a branch (e.g. master). You can optionally give a path fragment which is used to clone into.

ovenStepGit Source


:: IO [FilePath]

Function that does a compile and returns the pieces that should be available at test time

-> String

Git repo you are using

-> String

Branch used as the initial starting point

-> Maybe FilePath

Path under which the git will be checked out

-> [String]

.gitignore patterns where build products live

-> Oven () () test

Normal oven

-> Oven SHA1 SHA1 test 

Oven creation for modules using git with the step strategy. Note that any files not in .gitignore will be removed at each step, so make sure your incremental build-products are properly ignored.

ovenNotifyAdd :: (Author -> String -> String -> IO ()) -> Oven state patch test -> Oven state patch test Source

Add an additional notification to the list.

ovenNotifyStdout :: Oven state patch test -> Oven state patch test Source

Produce notifications on stdout when users should be notified about success/failure.

ovenNotifyEmail :: (Host, Port) -> Oven state patch test -> Oven state patch test Source

Send notifications using the given SMTP host/port.

ovenPretty :: Oven state patch test -> Oven state (Pretty patch) test Source

Define an oven that allows foo=... annotations to be added to the strings. These can be used to annotate important information, e.g. instead of talking about Git SHA1's, you can talk about person=SHA1 or branch=SHA1.

ovenPrettyMerge :: Oven state (Pretty patch) test -> Oven state (Pretty patch) test Source

An oven suitable for use with ovenPretty that supersedes patches which have the same pretty name.

ovenIncremental :: Oven state patch test -> Oven state patch test Source

This requires a version of cp. On Windows, you can get that here:

TestInfo members

data TestInfo test Source

Information about a test.


run :: IO () -> TestInfo test Source

The action associated with a test.

threads :: Int -> TestInfo test -> TestInfo test Source

Change the number of threads a test requires, defaults to 1.

threadsAll :: TestInfo test -> TestInfo test Source

Record that a test requires all available threads on a machine, typically used for the build step. Use getNumCapabilities to find out how many threads you were allocated.

depend :: [test] -> TestInfo test -> TestInfo test Source

Require the following tests have been evaluated on this machine before this test is run. Typically used to require compilation before running most tests.

require :: [String] -> TestInfo test -> TestInfo test Source

Is a particular client capable of running a test. Usually an OS check. To run a test must have all its requirements met. Clients can satisfy a requirement by passing --provide=... on the command line.

priority :: Int -> TestInfo test -> TestInfo test Source

Set the priority of a test, those with higher priority are run first. Tests have a default priority of 0.


startServer :: (Stringy state, Stringy patch, Stringy test) => Port -> [Author] -> Seconds -> String -> Bool -> Oven state patch test -> IO () Source

startClient :: (Stringy state, Stringy patch, Stringy test) => (Host, Port) -> Author -> String -> Int -> [String] -> Double -> Oven state patch test -> IO () Source

garbageCollect Source


:: Integer

Minimum number of bytes you want free on the drive (use 0 if you don't want any)

-> Double

Ratio of the drive you want free, e.g. 0.25 to demand a quarter of the drive free (1 to delete everything you can)

-> Seconds

Minimum age to delete in seconds

-> [FilePath]

Directories containing Bake stuff

-> IO () 

Garbage collect enough files to satisfy the requirements.

Utility types

type Port = Int Source