bio-0.4: A bioinformatics librarySource codeContentsIndex
Implement clustering
data Clustered score datum
= Branch score (Clustered score datum) (Clustered score datum)
| Leaf datum
cluster_sl :: (Ord a, Ord s) => [(s, a, a)] -> [Clustered s a]
data Clustered score datum Source
Data structure for storing hierarchical clusters
Branch score (Clustered score datum) (Clustered score datum)
Leaf datum
show/hide Instances
(Show score, Show datum) => Show (Clustered score datum)
cluster_sl :: (Ord a, Ord s) => [(s, a, a)] -> [Clustered s a]Source
Single linkage agglomerative clustering. Cluster elements by slurping a sorted list of pairs with score (i.e. triples :-) Keeps a set of contained elements at each branch's root, so O(n log n), and requires elements to be in Ord. For this to work, the triples must be sorted on score. Earlier scores in the list will make up the lower nodes, so sort descending for similarity, ascending for distance.
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