brassica-0.1.0: Featureful sound change applier
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Category construction

data Category (s :: CategoryState) a Source #

A set of values (usually representing phonemes) which behave the same way in a sound change. A Category is constructed using the set operations supplied as constructors, possibly referencing other Categorys; these references can then be expanded, allowing the Category to be baked to a list of matching values.

Note that Brassica makes no distinction between ad-hoc categories and predefined categories beyond the sound change parser; the latter is merely syntax sugar for the former, and both are represented using the same Category type. In practise this is not usually a problem, since Categorys are still quite convenient to construct manually.



The empty category ([] in Brassica syntax)

Node a

A single value ([a])

UnionOf [Category s a]

The union of multiple categories ([Ca Cb Cc])

Intersect (Category s a) (Category s a)

The intersection of two categories ([Ca +Cb])

Subtract (Category s a) (Category s a)

The second category subtracted from the first ([Ca -Cb])


Instances details
Functor (Category s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Brassica.SoundChange.Category


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Category s a -> Category s b #

(<$) :: a -> Category s b -> Category s a #

Show a => Show (Category s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Brassica.SoundChange.Category


showsPrec :: Int -> Category s a -> ShowS #

show :: Category s a -> String #

showList :: [Category s a] -> ShowS #

Eq a => Eq (Category s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Brassica.SoundChange.Category


(==) :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Category s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Brassica.SoundChange.Category


compare :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Bool #

(>) :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Bool #

max :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Category s a #

min :: Category s a -> Category s a -> Category s a #

data CategoryState Source #

Type-level tag for Category. When parsing a category definition from a string, usually categories will refer to other categories. This is the Unexpanded state. Once Expanded, these references will have been inlined, and the category no longer depends on other categories.



categorise :: Ord a => [a] -> Category 'Expanded a Source #

Given a list of values, return a Category which matches only those values. (This is a simple wrapper around Node and UnionOf.)

Category expansion

type Categories a = Map a (Category 'Expanded a) Source #

A map from names to the (expanded) categories they reference. Used to resolve cross-references between categories.

lookup :: Ord a => a -> Categories a -> Maybe (Category 'Expanded a) Source #

Data.Map.Strict.lookup, specialised to Categories.

mapCategories :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> Categories a -> Categories b Source #

Map a function over all the values in a set of Categories.

expand :: Ord a => Categories a -> Category 'Unexpanded a -> Category 'Expanded a Source #

Expand an Unexpanded category by inlining its references. The references should only be to categories in the given Categories.

Obtaining values

bake :: Eq a => Category 'Expanded a -> [a] Source #

Given an Expanded category, return the list of values which it matches.

values :: Ord a => Categories a -> [a] Source #

Returns a list of every value mentioned in a set of Categories. This includes all values, even those which are Intersected or Subtracted out: e.g. given Categories including [a b -a], this will return a list including ["a","b"], not just ["b"].