byteslice- Slicing managed and unmanaged memory

Safe HaskellNone





data Bytes Source #

A slice of a ByteArray.

IsList Bytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bytes.Types

Associated Types

type Item Bytes :: Type #

Eq Bytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bytes.Types


(==) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

Ord Bytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bytes.Types


compare :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(>) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool #

max :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

min :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

Show Bytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bytes.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Bytes -> ShowS #

show :: Bytes -> String #

showList :: [Bytes] -> ShowS #

Semigroup Bytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bytes.Types


(<>) :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Bytes -> Bytes #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Bytes -> Bytes #

Monoid Bytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bytes.Types


mempty :: Bytes #

mappend :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes #

mconcat :: [Bytes] -> Bytes #

type Item Bytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Bytes.Types


empty :: Bytes Source #

The empty byte sequence.


null :: Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence empty?

length :: Bytes -> Int Source #

The length of a slice of bytes.


uncons :: Bytes -> Maybe (Word8, Bytes) Source #

Extract the head and tail of the Bytes, returning Nothing if it is empty.

unsnoc :: Bytes -> Maybe (Bytes, Word8) Source #

Extract the init and last of the Bytes, returning Nothing if it is empty.



singleton :: Word8 -> Bytes Source #

Create a byte sequence with one byte.

doubleton :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes Source #

Create a byte sequence with two bytes.

tripleton :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes Source #

Create a byte sequence with three bytes.

replicate Source #


:: Int

Desired length n

-> Word8

Byte to replicate

-> Bytes 

Replicate a byte n times.


singletonU :: Word8 -> ByteArray Source #

Create an unsliced byte sequence with one byte.

doubletonU :: Word8 -> Word8 -> ByteArray Source #

Create an unsliced byte sequence with two bytes.

tripletonU :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> ByteArray Source #

Create an unsliced byte sequence with three bytes.

replicateU :: Int -> Word8 -> ByteArray Source #

Variant of replicate that returns a unsliced byte array.


takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

Take bytes while the predicate is true.

dropWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

Drop bytes while the predicate is true.

takeWhileEnd :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

O(n) takeWhileEnd p b returns the longest suffix of elements that satisfy predicate p.

dropWhileEnd :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

O(n) dropWhileEnd p b returns the prefix remaining after dropping characters that satisfy the predicate p from the end of t.


foldl :: (a -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a Source #

Left fold over bytes, non-strict in the accumulator.

foldl' :: (a -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a Source #

Left fold over bytes, strict in the accumulator.

foldr :: (Word8 -> a -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a Source #

Right fold over bytes, non-strict in the accumulator.

foldr' :: (Word8 -> a -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a Source #

Right fold over bytes, strict in the accumulator.

Folds with Indices

ifoldl' :: (a -> Int -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a Source #

Left fold over bytes, strict in the accumulator. The reduction function is applied to each element along with its index.

Common Folds

elem :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte a member of the byte sequence?


split :: Word8 -> Bytes -> [Bytes] Source #

Break a byte sequence into pieces separated by the byte argument, consuming the delimiter. This function is a good producer for list fusion. It is common to immidiately consume the results of split with foldl', traverse_, foldlM, and being a good producer helps in this situation.

Note: this function differs from its counterpart in bytestring. If the byte sequence is empty, this returns a singleton list with the empty byte sequence.

splitU :: Word8 -> Bytes -> UnliftedArray ByteArray Source #

Variant of split that returns an array of unsliced byte sequences. Unlike split, this is not a good producer for list fusion. (It does not return a list, so it could not be.) Prefer split if the result is going to be consumed exactly once by a good consumer. Prefer splitU if the result of the split is going to be around for a while and inspected multiple times.

splitInit :: Word8 -> Bytes -> [Bytes] Source #

Variant of split that drops the trailing element. This behaves correctly even if the byte sequence is empty. This is a good producer for list fusion. This is useful when splitting a text file into lines. POSIX mandates that text files end with a newline, so the list resulting from split always has an empty byte sequence as its last element. With splitInit, that unwanted element is discarded.

splitInitU :: Word8 -> Bytes -> UnliftedArray ByteArray Source #

Variant of splitU that drops the trailing element. See splitInit for an explanation of why this may be useful.

splitNonEmpty :: Word8 -> Bytes -> NonEmpty Bytes Source #

Variant of split that returns the result as a NonEmpty instead of []. This is also eligible for stream fusion.

split1 :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Maybe (Bytes, Bytes) Source #

Split a byte sequence on the first occurrence of the target byte. The target is removed from the result. For example:

>>> split1 0xA [0x1,0x2,0xA,0xB]
Just ([0x1,0x2],[0xB])

split2 :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Maybe (Bytes, Bytes, Bytes) Source #

Split a byte sequence on the first and second occurrences of the target byte. The target is removed from the result. For example:

>>> split2 0xA [0x1,0x2,0xA,0xB,0xA,0xA,0xA]
Just ([0x1,0x2],[0xB],[0xA,0xA])

split3 :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Maybe (Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes) Source #

Split a byte sequence on the first, second, and third occurrences of the target byte. The target is removed from the result. For example:

>>> split3 0xA [0x1,0x2,0xA,0xB,0xA,0xA,0xA]
Just ([0x1,0x2],[0xB],[],[0xA])


count :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Int Source #

Count the number of times the byte appears in the sequence.

Prefix and Suffix

Byte Sequence

isPrefixOf :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the first argument a prefix of the second argument?

isSuffixOf :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the first argument a suffix of the second argument?

stripPrefix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Maybe Bytes Source #

O(n) Return the suffix of the second string if its prefix matches the entire first string.

stripOptionalPrefix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

O(n) Return the suffix of the second string if its prefix matches the entire first string. Otherwise, return the second string unchanged.

stripSuffix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Maybe Bytes Source #

O(n) Return the prefix of the second string if its suffix matches the entire first string.

stripOptionalSuffix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

O(n) Return the prefix of the second string if its suffix matches the entire first string. Otherwise, return the second string unchanged.

Single Byte

isBytePrefixOf :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Does the byte sequence begin with the given byte? False if the byte sequence is empty.

isByteSuffixOf :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Does the byte sequence end with the given byte? False if the byte sequence is empty.


equalsLatin1 :: Char -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text, a singleton whose element matches the character?

equalsLatin2 :: Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text, a doubleton whose elements match the characters?

equalsLatin3 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text, a tripleton whose elements match the characters?

equalsLatin4 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text, a quadrupleton whose elements match the characters?

equalsLatin5 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text, a quintupleton whose elements match the characters?

equalsLatin6 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text, a sextupleton whose elements match the characters?

equalsLatin7 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool Source #

Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text, a septupleton whose elements match the characters?

Unsafe Slicing

unsafeTake :: Int -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

Take the first n bytes from the argument. Precondition: n ≤ len

unsafeDrop :: Int -> Bytes -> Bytes Source #

Drop the first n bytes from the argument. Precondition: n ≤ len

unsafeIndex :: Bytes -> Int -> Word8 Source #

Index into the byte sequence at the given position. This index must be less than the length.


unsafeCopy Source #


:: PrimMonad m 
=> MutableByteArray (PrimState m)


-> Int

Destination Offset

-> Bytes


-> m () 

Copy the byte sequence into a mutable buffer. The buffer must have enough space to accomodate the byte sequence, but this this is not checked.


pin :: Bytes -> Bytes Source #

Yields a pinned byte sequence whose contents are identical to those of the original byte sequence. If the ByteArray backing the argument was already pinned, this simply aliases the argument and does not perform any copying.

contents :: Bytes -> Ptr Word8 Source #

Yields a pointer to the beginning of the byte sequence. It is only safe to call this on a Bytes backed by a pinned ByteArray.

touch :: PrimMonad m => Bytes -> m () Source #

Touch the byte array backing the byte sequence. This sometimes needed after calling contents so that the ByteArray does not get garbage collected.


toByteArray :: Bytes -> ByteArray Source #

Convert the sliced Bytes to an unsliced ByteArray. This reuses the array backing the sliced Bytes if the slicing metadata implies that all of the bytes are used. Otherwise, it makes a copy.

toByteArrayClone :: Bytes -> ByteArray Source #

Variant of toByteArray that unconditionally makes a copy of the array backing the sliced Bytes even if the original array could be reused. Prefer toByteArray.

fromAsciiString :: String -> Bytes Source #

Convert a String consisting of only characters in the ASCII block to a byte sequence. Any character with a codepoint above U+007F is replaced by U+0000.

fromLatinString :: String -> Bytes Source #

Convert a String consisting of only characters representable by ISO-8859-1. These are encoded with ISO-8859-1. Any character with a codepoint above U+00FF is replace an unspecified byte.

fromByteArray :: ByteArray -> Bytes Source #

Create a slice of Bytes that spans the entire argument array.

toLatinString :: Bytes -> String Source #

Interpret a byte sequence as text encoded by ISO-8859-1.

I/O with Handles

hGet :: Handle -> Int -> IO Bytes Source #

Read Bytes directly from the specified Handle. The resulting Bytes are pinned. This is implemented with hGetBuf.

hPut :: Handle -> Bytes -> IO () Source #

Outputs Bytes to the specified Handle. This is implemented with hPutBuf.