c14n- Bindings to the c14n implementation in libxml.

Safe HaskellNone




Provides a mid-level interface to libxml's implementation of c14n, i.e. XML canonicalisation.



c14n_1_0 :: CInt Source #

Original C14N 1.0 specification.

c14n_exclusive_1_0 :: CInt Source #

Exclusive C14N 1.0 specification.

c14n_1_1 :: CInt Source #

C14N 1.1 specification.

c14n :: [CInt] -> CInt -> [ByteString] -> Bool -> Maybe ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ByteString Source #

c14n parseOpts mode nsPrefixes keepComments xPathLocation input canonicalises the document given by input, which is parsed using options specified by parseOpts. The mode argument deteremines the canonicalisation mode to use. nsPrefixes gives a (potentially empty) list of namespace prefixes which is used when mode is c14n_exclusive_1_0. If keepComments is True, all comments are kept in the output. xPathLocation is used to select a set of nodes that should be included in the canonicalised result.


xml_opt_recover :: CInt Source #

Recover on errors.

xml_opt_noent :: CInt Source #

Substitute entities.

xml_opt_dtdload :: CInt Source #

Load the external subset.

xml_opt_dtdattr :: CInt Source #

Default DTD attributes.

xml_opt_dtdvalid :: CInt Source #

Validate with the DTD.

xml_opt_noerror :: CInt Source #

Suppress error reports.

xml_opt_nowarning :: CInt Source #

Suppress warning reports.

xml_opt_pedantic :: CInt Source #

Pedantic error reporting.

xml_opt_noblanks :: CInt Source #

Remove blank nodes.

xml_opt_sax1 :: CInt Source #

Use the SAX1 interface internally.

xml_opt_xinclude :: CInt Source #

Implement XInclude substitution.

xml_opt_nonet :: CInt Source #

Forbid network access.

xml_opt_nodict :: CInt Source #

Do not reuse the context dictionary.

xml_opt_nsclean :: CInt Source #

Remove redundant namespaces declarations.

xml_opt_nocdata :: CInt Source #

Merge CDATA as text nodes.

xml_opt_noxincnode :: CInt Source #

Do not generate XINCLUDE START/END nodes.

xml_opt_compact :: CInt Source #

Compact small text nodes; no modification of the tree allowed afterwards (will probably crash if you try to modify the tree)

xml_opt_old10 :: CInt Source #

Parse using XML-1.0 before update 5.

xml_opt_nobasefix :: CInt Source #

Do not fixup XINCLUDE xml:base uris.

xml_opt_huge :: CInt Source #

Relax any hardcoded limit from the parser.

xml_opt_oldsax :: CInt Source #

Parse using SAX2 interface before 2.7.0.

xml_opt_ignore_env :: CInt Source #

Ignore internal document encoding hint.

xml_opt_big_lines :: CInt Source #

Store big lines numbers in text PSVI field.

parseXml :: [CInt] -> ByteString -> IO (ForeignPtr LibXMLDoc) Source #

parseXml parseOpts text parses text into an XML document using libxml according to options given by parseOpts.