chatter- A library of simple NLP algorithms.

Safe HaskellNone




type Sentence = [Text] Source

type TaggedSentence = [(Text, Tag)] Source

contains :: TaggedSentence -> Text -> Bool Source

True if the input sentence contains the given text token. Does not do partial or approximate matching, and compares details in a fully case-sensitive manner.

containsTag :: TaggedSentence -> Tag -> Bool Source

True if the input sentence contains the given POS tag. Does not do partial matching (such as prefix matching)

data CaseSensitive Source

Boolean type to indicate case sensitivity for textual comparisons.



data POSTagger Source

Part of Speech tagger, with back-off tagger.

A sequence of pos taggers can be assembled by using backoff taggers. When tagging text, the first tagger is run on the input, possibly tagging some tokens as unknown ('Tag Unk'). The first backoff tagger is then recursively invoked on the text to fill in the unknown tags, but that may still leave some tokens marked with 'Tag Unk'. This process repeats until no more taggers are found. (The current implementation is not very efficient in this respect.).

Back off taggers are particularly useful when there is a set of domain specific vernacular that a general purpose statistical tagger does not know of. A LitteralTagger can be created to map terms to fixed POS tags, and then delegate the bulk of the text to a statistical back off tagger, such as an AvgPerceptronTagger.

POSTagger values can be serialized and deserialized by using serialize and NLP.POS.deserialize`. This is a bit tricky because the POSTagger abstracts away the implementation details of the particular tagging algorithm, and the model for that tagger (if any). To support serialization, each POSTagger value must provide a serialize value that can be used to generate a ByteString representation of the model, as well as a unique id (also a ByteString). Furthermore, that ID must be added to a `Map ByteString (ByteString -> Maybe POSTagger -> Either String POSTagger)` that is provided to deserialize. The function in the map takes the output of posSerialize, and possibly a backoff tagger, and reconstitutes the POSTagger that was serialized (assigning the proper functions, setting up closures as needed, etc.) Look at the source for taggerTable and readTagger for examples.




posTagger :: [Sentence] -> [TaggedSentence]

The initial part-of-speech tagger.

posTrainer :: [TaggedSentence] -> IO POSTagger

Training function to train the immediate POS tagger.

posBackoff :: Maybe POSTagger

A tagger to invoke on unknown tokens.

posTokenizer :: Text -> Sentence

A tokenizer; (words will work.)

posSplitter :: Text -> [Text]

A sentence splitter. If your input is formatted as one sentence per line, then use lines, otherwise try Erik Kow's fullstop library.

posSerialize :: ByteString

Store this POS tagger to a bytestring. This does not serialize the backoff taggers.

posID :: ByteString

A unique id that will identify the algorithm used for this POS Tagger. This is used in deserialization

stripTags :: TaggedSentence -> Sentence Source

Remove the tags from a tagged sentence

newtype Tag Source


Tag Text 


Eq Tag 
Ord Tag 
Read Tag 
Show Tag 
Generic Tag 
Serialize Tag 
type Rep Tag 

fromTag :: Tag -> Text Source

parseTag :: Text -> Tag Source

tagUNK :: Tag Source

Constant tag for "unknown"

data Corpus Source

Document corpus.

This is a simple hashed corpus, the document content is not stored.




corpLength :: Int

The number of documents in the corpus.

corpTermCounts :: Map Text Int

A count of the number of documents each term occurred in.

termCounts :: Corpus -> Text -> Int Source

Get the number of documents that a term occurred in.

addDocument :: Corpus -> [Text] -> Corpus Source

Add a document to the corpus.

This can be dangerous if the documents are pre-processed differently. All corpus-related functions assume that the documents have all been tokenized and the tokens normalized, in the same way.

mkCorpus :: [[Text]] -> Corpus Source

Create a corpus from a list of documents, represented by normalized tokens.

addTerms :: Map Text Int -> Set Text -> Map Text Int Source

addTerm :: Map Text Int -> Text -> Map Text Int Source