cleveland-0.1.0: Testing framework for Morley.
Safe HaskellNone



Internal utilities for unit testing.


Entrypoint spec passed on the type level

testCompareContractEntrypointsT :: forall expectedEps. (EPMismatch -> EPMismatch) -> TestName -> ContractEPTypeTest expectedEps Source #

Expect the contract to match with the entrypoints given in spec passed as the first type argument. Checks both the contract type and the contract itself (when represented as an untyped Michelson contract). Comparison is defined by the first argument; use ignoreExtraEntrypoints for cover test, id for match test.

Entrypoint spec passed as a value

testCompareContractEntrypoints :: forall contractEps st vd. (EPMismatch -> EPMismatch) -> TestName -> ContractEPTest contractEps st vd Source #

Expect the contract to match with the entrypoints given in spec (with matching types). Checks both the contract type and the contract itself (when represented as an untyped Michelson contract). Comparison is defined by the first argument; use ignoreExtraEntrypoints for cover test, id for match test.

Utility types

type ContractEPTypeTest expectedEps = forall contractEps st vd. NiceParameterFull expectedEps => Contract contractEps st vd -> TestTree Source #

Utility type synonym

type ContractEPTest contractEps st vd = Contract contractEps st vd -> Map EpName Ty -> TestTree Source #

Utility type synonym