cleveland-0.1.0: Testing framework for Morley.
Safe HaskellNone



Deprecated: Use the new Test.Cleveland interface instead. Entrypoint utilities are moved to Test.Cleveland.Michelson.Entrypoints

Utility functions for unit testing.



type ContractReturn (st :: T) = (Either MichelsonFailureWithStack ([Operation], Value st), (InterpreterState, MorleyLogs)) #

type ContractPropValidator st prop = ContractReturn st -> prop Source #

Type for contract execution validation.

It's a function which is supplied with contract execution output (failure or new storage with operation list).

Function returns a property which type is designated by type variable prop and might be Test.QuickCheck.Property or Expectation or anything else relevant.

data EPMismatch Source #

Entrypoint comparison mismatch report

contractProp :: (IsoValue param, IsoValue storage, ToT param ~ cp, ToT storage ~ st, ParameterScope cp) => Contract cp st -> ContractPropValidator st prop -> ContractEnv -> param -> storage -> prop Source #

ContractCode's property tester against given input. Takes contract environment, initial storage and parameter, interprets contract on this input and invokes validation function.

contractPropVal :: ParameterScope cp => Contract cp st -> ContractPropValidator st prop -> ContractEnv -> Value cp -> Value st -> prop Source #

Version of contractProp which takes Value as arguments instead of regular Haskell values.

This function assumes that contract has no explicit default entrypoints and you always have to construct parameter manually; if you need to test contract calling specific entrypoints, use integrational testing defined by Test.Cleveland.Michelson.Integrational module.

validateStorageIs :: IsoValue st => st -> ContractPropValidator (ToT st) Assertion Source #

ContractPropValidator that expects contract execution to succeed and update storage to a particular constant value.

validateMichelsonFailsWith :: forall v st. NiceConstant v => v -> ContractPropValidator st Expectation Source #

ContractPropValidator that expects a given failure.