cleveland-0.1.0: Testing framework for Morley.
Safe HaskellNone



This module allows the use of Test.Cleveland tests in tasty.

These tests can be run on:

whenNetworkEnabled can be used to write tests that need to run a Tezos network, but are not necessarily written using Test.Cleveland.

If a TestTree contains many tests scheduled to run on a real Tezos network, those tests will be run sequentially.


import Test.Cleveland
import Test.Cleveland.Tasty

main :: IO ()
main = clevelandMain test

test :: TestTree
test = testScenario "storage is 1" $ scenario do
  addr <- originate OriginateData {..}
  getStorage addr @@== 1

A cleveland/tasty test suite can be run in one of three modes, by setting either the --cleveland-mode command line option or the TASTY_CLEVELAND_MODE environment variable to:

  • all - runs all tests: non-cleveland tests, cleveland emulator tests and cleveland network tests.
  • disable-network - skips cleveland network tests.
  • only-network - runs only cleveland network tests and skips all other tests.

In a CI environment (i.e. if the CI environment variable is set to true (case-insensitive) or 1), the default mode is all.

Otherwise, the default mode is disable-network.



clevelandMain :: TestTree -> IO () Source #

Similar to tasty defaultMain, but also preloads TastyEnv and registers the necessary command line options/environment variables to configure Test.Cleveland.

clevelandMainWithIngredients :: [Ingredient] -> TestTree -> IO () Source #

Similar to defaultMainWithIngredients, but also preloads TastyEnv and registers the necessary command line options/environment variables to configure Test.Cleveland.

clevelandIngredients :: [Ingredient] Source #

A list with all the ingredients necessary to configure Test.Cleveland.

Note: If a test suite uses Scenario, the relevant command line options will be automatically added to tasty's --help.

However, if a test suite intends to not use those functions, and use whenNetworkEnabled only, then the CLI options need to be registered manually by using this ingredient (or clevelandMain/clevelandMainWithIngredients).

loadTastyEnv :: TestTree -> TestTree Source #

Pre-load TastyEnv from the passed command line/environment options, and store it in tasty's OptionSet to make it available to all tests within the test tree.

Creating a NetworkEnv is a relatively expensive operation, when executed hundreds of times. This function guarantees that only one TastyEnv is created for this test tree, and TastyEnv will, in turn, guarantee that only one NetworkEnv is created while the tests are running.

Test cases

testScenario :: TestName -> (forall m. Monad m => Scenario m) -> TestTree Source #

Create a tasty test case from a Scenario.

This will create a test tree with 2 tests: one that runs the Scenario on the Morley.Michelson.Runtime emulator, and another that runs it on a real Tezos network.

The network config is read from the command line/environment variables. Use --help to see the available options.

If a TestTree contains many tests scheduled to run on a real Tezos network, those tests will be run sequentially.

testScenarioOnEmulator :: TestName -> Scenario PureM -> TestTree Source #

Create a tasty test case from an emulated Scenario.

This will create a test tree with 1 test, which will run the Scenario on the Morley.Michelson.Runtime emulator.

testScenarioOnNetwork :: TestName -> Scenario ClientM -> TestTree Source #

Create a tasty test case from a Scenario.

This will create a test tree with 1 test, which will run the Scenario on real Tezos network.

whenNetworkEnabled :: ((forall a. (NetworkEnv -> IO a) -> IO a) -> TestTree) -> TestTree Source #

Runs some tests only when network tests are enabled (i.e., when running in the CI or when --cleveland-mode all).

Do not use this with a cleveland test (e.g. with testScenario), as it will lead to a deadlock. This is only suitable for HUnitHspecHedgehog/etc tests.

Example usage:

test :: TestTree
test =
  whenNetworkEnabled $ \withEnv ->
    testCase "a test name" $
      withEnv $ \env ->
        runMorleyClientM (neMorleyClientEnv env) $ do

Reading/setting options

modifyNetworkEnv :: (NetworkEnv -> NetworkEnv) -> TestTree -> TestTree Source #

Modifies the NetworkEnv for all the tests in the given test tree.

setAliasPrefix :: Text -> TestTree -> TestTree Source #

Overrides the alias prefix (parsed from --cleveland-alias-prefix or TASTY_CLEVELAND_ALIAS_PREFIX) for all the tests in the given test tree.