commsec-keyexchange-0.2: Key agreement for commsec.

Safe HaskellNone




connect :: HostName -> PortNumber -> [PublicKey] -> PrivateKey -> IO (PublicKey, Connection)Source

Connect to the specified host and port, establishing a secure, authenticated connection with a party holding the public key.

accept :: PortNumber -> [PublicKey] -> PrivateKey -> Maybe HostName -> IO (PublicKey, Connection)Source

Listen for and accept a connection on the host and port, establishing a secure, authenticated connection with a party holding the specified public key.

send :: Connection -> ByteString -> IO ()

Send a datagram, first encrypting it, using the given secure connection.

data Connection

A connection is a secure bidirectional communication channel.

close :: Connection -> IO ()

Close a connection

type HostName = String

Either a host name e.g., "" or a numeric host address string consisting of a dotted decimal IPv4 address or an IPv6 address e.g., "".