cuda- FFI binding to the CUDA interface for programming NVIDIA GPUs

Copyright[2009..2015] Trevor L. McDonell
Safe HaskellNone




Context configuration for the low-level driver interface


Context configuration

Resource limits

setLimit :: Limit -> Int -> IO () Source #

Specify the size of the call stack, for compute 2.0 devices.

Requires CUDA-3.1.


data Cache Source #

Device cache configuration preference

getCache :: IO Cache Source #

On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, this function returns the preferred cache configuration for the current context.

Requires CUDA-3.2.

setCache :: Cache -> IO () Source #

On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, this sets the preferred cache configuration for the current context. This is only a preference.

Any function configuration set via setCacheConfigFun will be preferred over this context-wide setting.

Requires CUDA-3.2.

Shared memory

getSharedMem :: IO SharedMem Source #

Return the current size of the shared memory banks in the current context. On devices with configurable shared memory banks, setSharedMem can be used to change the configuration, so that subsequent kernel launches will by default us the new bank size. On devices without configurable shared memory, this function returns the fixed bank size of the hardware.

Requires CUDA-4.2

setSharedMem :: SharedMem -> IO () Source #

On devices with configurable shared memory banks, this function will set the context's shared memory bank size that will be used by default for subsequent kernel launches.

Changing the shared memory configuration between launches may insert a device synchronisation.

Shared memory bank size does not affect shared memory usage or kernel occupancy, but may have major effects on performance. Larger bank sizes allow for greater potential bandwidth to shared memory, but change the kinds of accesses which result in bank conflicts.

Requires CUDA-4.2


type StreamPriority = Int Source #

Priority of an execution stream. Work submitted to a higher priority stream may preempt execution of work already executing in a lower priority stream. Lower numbers represent higher priorities.

getStreamPriorityRange :: IO (StreamPriority, StreamPriority) Source #

Returns the numerical values that correspond to the greatest and least priority execution streams in the current context respectively. Stream priorities follow the convention that lower numerical numbers correspond to higher priorities. The range of meaningful stream priorities is given by the inclusive range [greatestPriority,leastPriority].

Requires CUDA-5.5.