debian-3.17.1: Modules for working with the Debian package systemSource codeContentsIndex
type PkgName = String
type Relations = AndRelation
type AndRelation = [OrRelation]
type OrRelation = [Relation]
data Relation = Rel PkgName (Maybe VersionReq) (Maybe ArchitectureReq)
class ParseRelations a where
parseRelations :: a -> Either ParseError Relations
data ArchitectureReq
= ArchOnly [String]
| ArchExcept [String]
data VersionReq
= SLT DebianVersion
| LTE DebianVersion
| EEQ DebianVersion
| GRE DebianVersion
| SGR DebianVersion
checkVersionReq :: Maybe VersionReq -> Maybe DebianVersion -> Bool
type PkgName = StringSource
type Relations = AndRelationSource
type AndRelation = [OrRelation]Source
type OrRelation = [Relation]Source
data Relation Source
Rel PkgName (Maybe VersionReq) (Maybe ArchitectureReq)
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class ParseRelations a whereSource
parseRelations :: a -> Either ParseError RelationsSource
parseRelations parse a debian relation (i.e. the value of a Depends field). Return a parsec error or a value of type Relations
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data ArchitectureReq Source
ArchOnly [String]
ArchExcept [String]
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data VersionReq Source
SLT DebianVersion
LTE DebianVersion
EEQ DebianVersion
GRE DebianVersion
SGR DebianVersion
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checkVersionReq :: Maybe VersionReq -> Maybe DebianVersion -> BoolSource
Check if a version number satisfies a version requirement.
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