emd- Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert-Huang Transform

Copyright(c) Justin Le 2018
Safe HaskellNone




Hilbert-Huang transform in pure Haskell.

The main data type is HHT, which can be generated using hht or hhtEmd. See Numeric.EMD for information on why this module uses "sized vectors", and how to convert unsized vectors to sized vectors.

Since: emd-



hhtEmd :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n, RealFloat a) => EMD v (n + 1) a -> HHT v n a Source #

Compute the Hilbert-Huang transform from a given Empirical Mode Decomposition.

hht :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n, RealFloat a) => EMDOpts a -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> HHT v n a Source #

Directly compute the Hilbert-Huang transform of a given time series. Essentially is a composition of hhtEmd and emd. See hhtEmd for a more flexible version.

hhtSpectrum Source #


:: (KnownNat n, Ord k, Num a) 
=> (a -> k)

binning function. takes rev/tick freq between 0 and 1.

-> HHT Vector n a 
-> Vector n (Map k a) 

Compute the full Hilbert-Huang Transform spectrum. At each timestep is a sparse map of frequency components and their respective magnitudes. Frequencies not in the map are considered to be zero.

Takes a "binning" function to allow you to specify how specific you want your frequencies to be.

marginal Source #


:: (Vector v a, KnownNat n, Ord k, Num a) 
=> (a -> k)

binning function. takes rev/tick freq between 0 and 1.

-> HHT v n a 
-> Map k a 

Compute the marginal spectrum given a Hilbert-Huang Transform. A binning function is accepted to allow you to specify how specific you want your frequencies to be.

instantaneousEnergy :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n, Num a) => HHT v n a -> Vector v n a Source #

Compute the instantaneous energy of the time series at every step via the Hilbert-Huang Transform.

degreeOfStationarity Source #


:: (Vector v a, KnownNat n, Ord k, Fractional a) 
=> (a -> k)

binning function. takes rev/tick freq between 0 and 1.

-> HHT v n a 
-> Map k a 

Degree of stationarity, as a function of frequency.

newtype HHT v n a Source #

A Hilbert-Huang Transform. An HHT v n a is a Hilbert-Huang transform of an n-item time series of items of type a represented using vector v.

Create using hht or hhtEmd.




data HHTLine v n a Source #

A Hilbert Trasnform of a given IMF, given as a "skeleton line".




  • hlMags :: !(Vector v n a)

    IMF HHT Magnitude as a time series

  • hlFreqs :: !(Vector v n a)

    IMF HHT instantaneous frequency as a time series (between 0 and 1)

Eq (v a) => Eq (HHTLine v n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.HHT


(==) :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> Bool #

(/=) :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> Bool #

Ord (v a) => Ord (HHTLine v n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.HHT


compare :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> Ordering #

(<) :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> Bool #

(<=) :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> Bool #

(>) :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> Bool #

(>=) :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> Bool #

max :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a #

min :: HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a -> HHTLine v n a #

Show (v a) => Show (HHTLine v n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.HHT


showsPrec :: Int -> HHTLine v n a -> ShowS #

show :: HHTLine v n a -> String #

showList :: [HHTLine v n a] -> ShowS #

data EMDOpts a Source #

Options for EMD composition.




Eq a => Eq (EMDOpts a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD


(==) :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> Bool #

(/=) :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (EMDOpts a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD


compare :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> Ordering #

(<) :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> Bool #

(<=) :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> Bool #

(>) :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> Bool #

(>=) :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> Bool #

max :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a #

min :: EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a -> EMDOpts a #

Show a => Show (EMDOpts a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD


showsPrec :: Int -> EMDOpts a -> ShowS #

show :: EMDOpts a -> String #

showList :: [EMDOpts a] -> ShowS #

data SiftCondition a Source #

Stop conditions for sifting process


SCStdDev !a

Stop using standard SD method

SCTimes !Int

Stop after a fixed number of sifting iterations

SCOr (SiftCondition a) (SiftCondition a)

One or the other

SCAnd (SiftCondition a) (SiftCondition a)

Stop when both conditions are met

Eq a => Eq (SiftCondition a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD

Ord a => Ord (SiftCondition a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD

Show a => Show (SiftCondition a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD

data SplineEnd a Source #

End condition for spline


SEClamped a a 
Eq a => Eq (SplineEnd a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD.Internal.Spline


(==) :: SplineEnd a -> SplineEnd a -> Bool #

(/=) :: SplineEnd a -> SplineEnd a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (SplineEnd a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD.Internal.Spline

Show a => Show (SplineEnd a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.EMD.Internal.Spline

Hilbert transforms (internal usage)

hilbert :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, Vector v (Complex a), KnownNat n, Floating a) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n (Complex a) Source #

Real part is original series and imaginary part is hilbert transformed series. Creates a "helical" form of the original series that rotates along the complex plane.

Numerically assumes that the signal is zero everywhere outside of the vector, instead of the periodic assumption taken by matlab's version.

hilbertIm :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n, Floating a) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n a Source #

Hilbert transformed series. Essentially the same series, but phase-shifted 90 degrees. Is so-named because it is the "imaginary part" of the proper hilbert transform, hilbert.

Numerically assumes that the signal is zero everywhere outside of the vector, instead of the periodic assumption taken by matlab's version.

hilbertMagFreq :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n, RealFloat a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> (Vector v (n + 1) a, Vector v n a) Source #

Given a time series, return a time series of the magnitude of the hilbert transform and the frequency of the hilbert transform, in units of revolutions per tick. Is only expected to taken in proper/legal IMFs.

The frequency will always be between 0 and 1, since we can't determine anything faster given the discretization, and we exclude negative values as physically unmeaningful for an IMF.