extensible-effects-concurrent-0.6.3: Message passing concurrency as extensible-effect

Safe HaskellNone




Observer Effects

This module supports the implementation of observers and observables. One use case is event propagation. The tools in this module are tailored towards Api servers/clients.


Observation API

class (Typeable p, Observable o) => Observer p o where Source #

An Api index that support observation of the another Api that is Observable.

Minimal complete definition



observationMessage :: Server o -> Observation o -> Api p Asynchronous Source #

Wrap the Observation and the ProcessId (i.e. the Server) that caused the observation into a Api value that the Observable understands.

class (Typeable o, Typeable (Observation o)) => Observable o where Source #

An Api index that supports registration and de-registration of Observers.

Associated Types

data Observation o Source #

Type of observations visible on this observable


registerObserverMessage :: SomeObserver o -> Api o Asynchronous Source #

Return the Api value for the cast_ that registeres an observer

forgetObserverMessage :: SomeObserver o -> Api o Asynchronous Source #

Return the Api value for the cast_ that de-registeres an observer

Generalized observation

data SomeObserver o where Source #

An existential wrapper around a Server of an Observer. Needed to support different types of observers to observe the same Observable in a general fashion.


SomeObserver :: (Show (Server p), Typeable p, Observer p o) => Server p -> SomeObserver o 

data Observers o Source #

Internal state for manageobservers

manageObservers :: Eff (State (Observers o) ': r) a -> Eff r a Source #

Keep track of registered Observers Observers can be added and removed, and an Observation can be sent to all registerd observers at once.

notifyObservers :: forall o r q. (Observable o, SetMember Process (Process q) r, Member (State (Observers o)) r) => SchedulerProxy q -> Observation o -> Eff r () Source #

Send an Observation to all SomeObservers in the Observers state.

Callback Observer

data CallbackObserver o Source #

An Observer that schedules the observations to an effectful callback.

spawnCallbackObserver :: forall o r q. (SetMember Process (Process q) r, Typeable o, Show (Observation o), Observable o, Member (Logs LogMessage) q) => SchedulerProxy q -> (Server o -> Observation o -> Eff (Process q ': q) Bool) -> Eff r (Server (CallbackObserver o)) Source #

Start a new process for an Observer that schedules all observations to an effectful callback.

spawnLoggingObserver :: forall o r q. (SetMember Process (Process q) r, Typeable o, Show (Observation o), Observable o, Member (Logs LogMessage) q) => SchedulerProxy q -> Eff r (Server (CallbackObserver o)) Source #

Use spawnCallbackObserver to create a universal logging observer, using the Show instance of the Observation. | Start a new process for an Observer that schedules all observations to an effectful callback.

Since: extensible-effects-concurrent-