fb-0.9.3: Bindings to Facebook's API.

Safe HaskellNone




FacebookT monad transformer

data FacebookT auth m a Source

FacebookT auth m a is this library's monad transformer. Contains information needed to issue commands and queries to Facebook. The phantom type auth may be either Auth (you have supplied your Credentials) or NoAuth (you have not supplied any Credentials).




:: Credentials

Your app's credentials.

-> Manager

Connection manager (see withManager).

-> FacebookT Auth m a 
-> m a 

Run a computation in the FacebookT monad transformer with your credentials.

runNoAuthFacebookT :: Manager -> FacebookT NoAuth m a -> m aSource

Run a computation in the FacebookT monad without credentials.

data Auth Source

Phantom type stating that you have provided your Credentials and thus have access to the whole API.


data NoAuth Source

Phantom type stating that you have not provided your Credentials. This means that you'll be limited about which APIs you'll be able use.


Authorization and Authentication


data Credentials Source

Credentials that you get for your app when you register on Facebook.




appName :: Ascii

Your application name (e.g. for OpenGraph calls).

appId :: Ascii

Your application ID.

appSecret :: Ascii

Your application secret key.

Access token

data AccessToken kind whereSource

An access token. While you can make some API calls without an access token, many require an access token and some will give you more information with an appropriate access token.

There are two kinds of access tokens:

User access token
An access token obtained after an user accepts your application. Let's you access more information about that user and act on their behalf (depending on which permissions you've asked for).
App access token
An access token that allows you to take administrative actions for your application.

These two kinds of access tokens are distinguished by the phantom type on AccessToken, which can be UserKind or AppKind.


Typeable1 AccessToken 
Eq (AccessToken kind) 
Ord (AccessToken kind) 
Show (AccessToken kind) 
ToSimpleQuery (AccessToken anyKind) 

type AccessTokenData = AsciiSource

The access token data that is passed to Facebook's API calls.

hasExpired :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => AccessToken anyKind -> m BoolSource

True if the access token has expired, otherwise False.

isValid :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => AccessToken anyKind -> FacebookT anyAuth m BoolSource

True if the access token is valid. An expired access token is not valid (see hasExpired). However, a non-expired access token may not be valid as well. For example, in the case of an user access token, they may have changed their password, logged out from Facebook or blocked your app.

App access token

data AppKind Source

Phantom type used mark an AccessToken as an app access token.


getAppAccessToken :: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => FacebookT Auth m AppAccessTokenSource

Get an app access token from Facebook using your credentials.

User access token

data UserKind Source

Phantom type used mark an AccessToken as an user access token.


type RedirectUrl = TextSource

URL where the user is redirected to after Facebook authenticates the user authorizes your application. This URL should be inside the domain registered for your Facebook application.

data Permission Source

A permission that is asked for the user when he authorizes your app. Please refer to Facebook's documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/permissions/ to see which permissions are available.

This is a newtype of Text that supports only IsString. This means that to create a Permission you should use the OverloadedStrings language extension. For example,

 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

 perms :: [Permission]
 perms = ["user_about_me", "email", "offline_access"]

getUserAccessTokenStep1 :: Monad m => RedirectUrl -> [Permission] -> FacebookT Auth m TextSource

The first step to get an user access token. Returns the Facebook URL you should redirect you user to. Facebook will authenticate the user, authorize your app and then redirect the user back into the provider RedirectUrl.



:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) 
=> RedirectUrl

Should be exactly the same as in getUserAccessTokenStep1.

-> [Argument]

Query parameters.

-> FacebookT Auth m UserAccessToken 

The second step to get an user access token. If the user is successfully authenticate and they authorize your application, then they'll be redirected back to the RedirectUrl you've passed to getUserAccessTokenStep1. You should take the request query parameters passed to your RedirectUrl and give to this function that will complete the user authentication flow and give you an UserAccessToken.



:: Monad m 
=> UserAccessToken

The user's access token.

-> RedirectUrl

URL the user should be directed to in your site domain.

-> FacebookT Auth m Text

Logout URL in https://www.facebook.com/ (or on https://www.beta.facebook.com/ when using the beta tier).

The URL an user should be redirected to in order to log them out of their Facebook session. Facebook will then redirect the user to the provided URL after logging them out. Note that, at the time of this writing, Facebook's policies require you to log the user out of Facebook when they ask to log out of your site.

Note also that Facebook may refuse to redirect the user to the provided URL if their user access token is invalid. In order to prevent this bug, we suggest that you use isValid before redirecting the user to the URL provided by getUserLogoutUrl since this function doesn't do any validity checks.

extendUserAccessToken :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => UserAccessToken -> FacebookT Auth m (Either FacebookException UserAccessToken)Source

Extend the expiration time of an user access token (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/offline-access-deprecation/, https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/). Only short-lived user access tokens may extended into long-lived user access tokens, you must get a new short-lived user access token if you need to extend a long-lived one. Returns Left exc if there is an error while extending, or Right token with the new user access token (which could have the same data and expiration time as before, but you can't assume this). Note that expired access tokens can't be extended, only valid tokens.

Facebook's Graph API Objects


data User Source

A Facebook user profile (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/).

NOTE: We still don't support all fields supported by Facebook. Please fill an issue if you need access to any other fields.

type UserId = AsciiSource

A Facebook user id such as 1008905713901.

data Gender Source

An user's gender.





:: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m) 
=> UserId

User ID or "me".

-> [Argument]

Arguments to be passed to Facebook.

-> Maybe UserAccessToken

Optional user access token.

-> FacebookT anyAuth m User 

Get an user using his user ID. The user access token is optional, but when provided more information can be returned back by Facebook. The user ID may be "me", in which case you must provide an user access token and information about the token's owner is given.

Facebook's Open Graph API



:: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m) 
=> Action

Action kind to be created.

-> [Argument]

Arguments of the action.

-> Maybe AppAccessToken

Optional app access token (optional with respect to this library, since you can't make this mandatory by changing the settings of your action on Facebook).

-> UserAccessToken

Required user access token.

-> FacebookT Auth m Id 

Creates an Open Graph action on the user's timeline. Returns the Id of the newly created action. For example:

 now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
 createAction "cook"
              [ "recipe" #= "http://example.com/cookie.html"
              , "when"   #= now ]

data Action Source

An action of your app. Please refer to Facebook's documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/keyconcepts/#actions-objects to see how you can create actions.

This is a newtype of Ascii that supports only IsString. This means that to create an Action you should use the OverloadedStrings language extension. For example,

 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

 foo token = do
   createAction "cook" [...] token


Eq Action

Since 0.7.1

Ord Action

Since 0.7.1

Read Action

Since 0.7.1

Show Action 
IsString Action 



:: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m) 
=> Id

Place Id

-> (Double, Double)

(Latitude, Longitude)

-> [Argument]

Other arguments of the action.

-> UserAccessToken

Required user access token.

-> FacebookT Auth m Id 

Creates a 'check-in' and returns its id. Place and coordinates are both required by Facebook.



:: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m) 
=> Text

FQL Query

-> Maybe (AccessToken anyKind)

Optional access token

-> FacebookT anyAuth m Value 

Query the Facebook Graph using FQL.

(#=) :: SimpleType a => Ascii -> a -> ArgumentSource

Create an Argument with a SimpleType. See the docs on createAction for an example.

class SimpleType a whereSource

Class for data types that may be represented as a Facebook simple type. (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/simpletypes/).


SimpleType Bool

Facebook's simple type Boolean.

SimpleType Double

Facebook's simple type Float.

SimpleType Float

Facebook's simple type Float with less precision than supported.

SimpleType Int

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Int8

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Int16

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Int32

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Word

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Word8

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Word16

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Word32

Facebook's simple type Integer.

SimpleType Text

Facebook's simple type String.

SimpleType UTCTime

Facebook's simple type DateTime.

SimpleType ZonedTime

Facebook's simple type DateTime.

SimpleType Day

Facebook's simple type DateTime with only the date.

SimpleType Id

An object's Id code.

SimpleType a => SimpleType [a]

A comma-separated list of simple types. This definition doesn't work everywhere, just for a few combinations that Facebook uses (e.g. [Int]). Also, encoding a list of lists is the same as encoding the concatenation of all lists. In other words, this instance is here more for your convenience than to make sure your code is correct.

Raw access to the Graph API



:: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m, FromJSON a) 
=> Ascii

Path (should begin with a slash /)

-> [Argument]

Arguments to be passed to Facebook

-> Maybe (AccessToken anyKind)

Optional access token

-> FacebookT anyAuth m a 

Make a raw GET request to Facebook's Graph API. Returns a raw JSON Value.



:: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m, FromJSON a) 
=> Ascii

Path (should begin with a slash /)

-> [Argument]

Arguments to be passed to Facebook

-> AccessToken anyKind

Access token

-> FacebookT Auth m a 

Make a raw POST request to Facebook's Graph API. Returns a raw JSON Value.

newtype Id Source

The identification code of an object.




idCode :: Ascii


Eq Id 
Ord Id 
Read Id 
Show Id 
Typeable Id 
FromJSON Id 
SimpleType Id

An object's Id code.

type Argument = (ByteString, ByteString)Source

An argument given to an API call.


data FacebookException Source

An exception that may be thrown by functions on this package. Includes any information provided by Facebook.



An exception coming from Facebook.


fbeType :: Text
fbeMessage :: Text

An exception coming from the fb package's code.


fbeMessage :: Text