    UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | Bifunctors.
-- Bifunctors are "two-argument functors".
-- This module is the type-level equivalent of "Data.Bifunctor".
module Fcf.Class.Bifunctor
  ( Bimap
  , First
  , Second
  ) where

import Fcf.Core (Exp, Eval)
import Fcf.Combinators (Pure)

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XGADTs
-- >>> import Fcf.Core (Eval)
-- >>> import Fcf.Combinators (Flip)
-- >>> import Fcf.Data.Nat (Nat, type (+), type (-))
-- >>> import Fcf.Data.Symbol (Symbol)
-- >>> import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

-- | Type-level 'Data.Bifunctor.bimap'.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> data Example where Ex :: a -> Example  -- Hide the type of examples to avoid brittleness in different GHC versions
-- >>> :kind! Ex (Eval (Bimap ((+) 1) (Flip (-) 1) '(2, 4)) :: (Natural, Natural))
-- Ex (Eval (Bimap ((+) 1) (Flip (-) 1) '(2, 4)) :: (Natural, Natural)) :: Example
-- = Ex '(3, 3)
data Bimap :: (a -> Exp a') -> (b -> Exp b') -> f a b -> Exp (f a' b')

-- (,)
type instance Eval (Bimap f g '(x, y)) = '(Eval (f x), Eval (g y))

-- Either
type instance Eval (Bimap f g ('Left  x)) = 'Left  (Eval (f x))
type instance Eval (Bimap f g ('Right y)) = 'Right (Eval (g y))

-- | Type-level 'Data.Bifunctor.first'.
-- Apply a function along the first parameter of a bifunctor.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (First ((+) 1) '(3,"a"))
-- Eval (First ((+) 1) '(3,"a")) :: (Natural, Symbol)
-- = '(4, "a")
data First :: (a -> Exp b) -> f a c -> Exp (f b c)
type instance Eval (First f x) = Eval (Bimap f Pure x)

-- | Type-level 'Data.Bifunctor.second'.
-- Apply a function along the second parameter of a bifunctor.
-- This is generally equivalent to 'Data.Functor.Map'.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Second ((+) 1) '("a",3))
-- Eval (Second ((+) 1) '("a",3)) :: (Symbol, Natural)
-- = '("a", 4)
data Second :: (c -> Exp d) -> f a c -> Exp (f a d)
type instance Eval (Second g x) = Eval (Bimap Pure g x)