fixed-vector-hetero- Generic heterogeneous vectors

Safe HaskellNone




Heterogeneous vectors.


HVector type classes

class Arity (Len xs) => Arity xs Source

Type class for dealing with N-ary function in generic way. Both accum and apply work with accumulator data types which are polymorphic. So it's only possible to write functions which rearrange elements in vector using plain ADT. It's possible to get around it by using GADT as accumulator (See ArityC and function which use it)

This is also somewhat a kitchen sink module. It contains witnesses which could be used to prove type equalities or to bring instance in scope.


Arity ([] *) 
Arity xs => Arity ((:) * x xs) 

class Arity xs => ArityC c xs Source

Declares that every type in list satisfy constraint c

Minimal complete definition



ArityC c ([] *) 
(c x, ArityC c xs) => ArityC c ((:) * x xs) 

class Arity (Elems v) => HVector v where Source

Type class for heterogeneous vectors. Instance should specify way to construct and deconstruct itself

Note that this type class is extremely generic. Almost any single constructor data type could be made instance. It could be monomorphic, it could be polymorphic in some or all fields it doesn't matter. Only law instance should obey is:

inspect v construct = v

Default implementation which uses Generic is provided.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type Elems v :: [*] Source


construct :: Fun (Elems v) v Source

Function for constructing vector

inspect :: v -> Fun (Elems v) a -> a Source

Function for deconstruction of vector. It applies vector's elements to N-ary function.


HVector ()

Unit is empty heterogeneous vector

HVector (Complex a) 
Arity xs => HVector (ContVec xs) 
Arity xs => HVector (VecList xs) 
Arity xs => HVector (HVec xs) 
HVector (a, b) 
(Storable a, HomArity n a) => HVector (Vec n a) 
(Unbox n a, HomArity n a) => HVector (Vec n a) 
(Prim a, HomArity n a) => HVector (Vec n a) 
HomArity n a => HVector (Vec n a) 
(Arity (Wrap * * f xs), Arity xs) => HVector (HVecF xs f)

It's not possible to remove constrain Arity (Wrap f xs) because it's required by superclass and we cannot prove it for all f. witWrapped allow to generate proofs for terms

HVector (a, b, c) 
HVector (a, b, c, d) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z) 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a') 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a', b') 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a', b', c') 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a', b', c', d') 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a', b', c', d', e') 
HVector (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a', b', c', d', e', f') 

class Arity (ElemsF v) => HVectorF v where Source

Type class for partially homogeneous vector where every element in the vector have same type constructor. Vector itself is parametrized by that constructor

Associated Types

type ElemsF v :: [*] Source

Elements of the vector without type constructors


inspectF :: v f -> TFun f (ElemsF v) a -> a Source

constructF :: TFun f (ElemsF v) (v f) Source


Arity xs => HVectorF (VecListF xs) 
Arity xs => HVectorF (HVecF xs) 
Arity xs => HVectorF (ContVecF * xs) 

type family Wrap f a :: [β] Source

Wrap every element of list into type constructor


type Wrap k k1 f ([] k1) = [] k 
type Wrap k k1 f ((:) k1 x xs) = (:) k (f x) (Wrap k k1 f xs) 

data Proxy t :: k -> *

A concrete, poly-kinded proxy type




Monad (Proxy *) 
Functor (Proxy *) 
Applicative (Proxy *) 
Vector (Proxy *) a 
Bounded (Proxy k s) 
Enum (Proxy k s) 
Eq (Proxy k s) 
Ord (Proxy k s) 
Read (Proxy k s) 
Show (Proxy k s) 
Ix (Proxy k s) 
Generic (Proxy * t) 
Monoid (Proxy * s) 
type Dim (Proxy *) = Z 
type Rep (Proxy k t) = D1 D1Proxy (C1 C1_0Proxy U1) 

data ContVec xs Source

CPS-encoded heterogeneous vector.


Arity xs => HVector (ContVec xs) 
type Elems (ContVec xs) = xs 

asCVec :: ContVec xs -> ContVec xs Source

Restrict type of vector to ContVec. This function is useful for resolving type ambiguity when composing functions. For example following code would not compile because intermediate type is ambiguous:

cons 'a' . tail

GHC cannot guess what type should be produced by tail. However we can fix type of intermediate vector with asCVec, so code below will work just fine:

cons 'a' . asCVec . tail

Position based functions

convert :: (HVector v, HVector w, Elems v ~ Elems w) => v -> w Source

We can convert between any two vector which have same structure but different representations.

head :: (HVector v, Elems v ~ (a : as), Arity as) => v -> a Source

Head of the vector

tail :: (HVector v, HVector w, (a : Elems w) ~ Elems v) => v -> w Source

Tail of the vector

>>> case tail ('a',"aa",()) of x@(_,_) -> x

cons :: (HVector v, HVector w, Elems w ~ (a : Elems v)) => a -> v -> w Source

Prepend element to the list. Note that it changes type of vector so it either must be known from context of specified explicitly

concat :: (HVector v, HVector u, HVector w, Elems w ~ (Elems v ++ Elems u)) => v -> u -> w Source

Concatenate two vectors


class Arity n => Index n xs Source

Indexing of vectors

Minimal complete definition

getF, putF, lensF, lensChF, witWrapIndex

Associated Types

type ValueAt n xs :: * Source

Type at position n


Arity xs => Index Z ((:) * x xs) 
Index n xs => Index (S n) ((:) * x xs) 

index :: (Index n (Elems v), HVector v) => v -> n -> ValueAt n (Elems v) Source

Index heterogeneous vector

set :: (Index n (Elems v), HVector v) => n -> ValueAt n (Elems v) -> v -> v Source

Set element in the vector

element :: (Index n (Elems v), ValueAt n (Elems v) ~ a, HVector v, Functor f) => n -> (a -> f a) -> v -> f v Source

Twan van Laarhoven's lens for i'th element.

elementCh :: (Index n (Elems v), a ~ ValueAt n (Elems v), HVector v, HVector w, Elems w ~ NewElems n (Elems v) b, Functor f) => n -> (a -> f b) -> v -> f w Source

Type changing Twan van Laarhoven's lens for i'th element.

elementTy :: forall n a f v proxy. (Index (ToPeano n) (Elems v), ValueAt (ToPeano n) (Elems v) ~ a, NatIso (ToPeano n) n, HVector v, Functor f) => proxy n -> (a -> f a) -> v -> f v Source

Twan van Laarhoven's lens for i'th element. GHC >= 7.8

elementChTy :: forall a b f n v w proxy. (Index (ToPeano n) (Elems v), a ~ ValueAt (ToPeano n) (Elems v), HVector v, HVector w, Elems w ~ NewElems (ToPeano n) (Elems v) b, Functor f) => proxy n -> (a -> f b) -> v -> f w Source

Type changing Twan van Laarhoven's lens for i'th element.

Generic constructors

mk0 :: (HVector v, Elems v ~ []) => v Source

mk1 :: (HVector v, Elems v ~ `[a]`) => a -> v Source

mk2 :: (HVector v, Elems v ~ `[a, b]`) => a -> b -> v Source

mk3 :: (HVector v, Elems v ~ `[a, b, c]`) => a -> b -> c -> v Source

mk4 :: (HVector v, Elems v ~ `[a, b, c, d]`) => a -> b -> c -> d -> v Source

mk5 :: (HVector v, Elems v ~ `[a, b, c, d, e]`) => a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> v Source

Folds and unfolds

fold :: HVector v => v -> Fn (Elems v) r -> r Source

Most generic form of fold which doesn't constrain elements id use of inspect. Or in more convenient form below:

>>> fold (12::Int,"Str") (\a s -> show a ++ s)

foldr :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v)) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => a -> b -> b) -> b -> v -> b Source

Right fold over heterogeneous vector

foldl :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v)) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => b -> a -> b) -> b -> v -> b Source

Left fold over heterogeneous vector

mapM_ :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v), Monad m) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => a -> m ()) -> v -> m () Source

Apply monadic action to every element in the vector

unfoldr :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v)) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => b -> (a, b)) -> b -> v Source

Unfold vector.

Polymorphic values

replicate :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v)) => Proxy c -> (forall x. c x => x) -> v Source

Replicate polymorphic value n times. Concrete instance for every element is determined by their respective types.

>>> import Data.Vector.HFixed as H
>>> H.replicate (Proxy :: Proxy Monoid) mempty :: ((),String)

replicateM :: (HVector v, Monad m, ArityC c (Elems v)) => Proxy c -> (forall x. c x => m x) -> m v Source

Replicate monadic action n times.

>>> import Data.Vector.HFixed as H
>>> H.replicateM (Proxy :: Proxy Read) (fmap read getLine) :: IO (Int,Char)
> 12
> 'a'

replicateF :: (HVectorF v, Arity (ElemsF v)) => (forall a. f a) -> v f Source

zipMono :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v)) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => a -> a -> a) -> v -> v -> v Source

Zip two heterogeneous vectors

zipMonoF :: (HVectorF v, ArityC c (ElemsF v)) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a -> h a) -> v f -> v g -> v h Source

Zip two heterogeneous vectors

zipFold :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v), Monoid m) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => a -> a -> m) -> v -> v -> m Source

monomorphize :: (HVector v, ArityC c (Elems v)) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => a -> x) -> v -> ContVec (Len (Elems v)) x Source

Convert heterogeneous vector to homogeneous

monomorphizeF :: (HVectorF v, ArityC c (ElemsF v)) => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> x) -> v f -> ContVec (Len (ElemsF v)) x Source

Convert heterogeneous vector to homogeneous

Vector parametrized with type constructor

mapFunctor :: HVectorF v => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> v f -> v g Source

sequence :: (Monad m, HVectorF v, HVector w, ElemsF v ~ Elems w) => v m -> m w Source

Sequence effects for every element in the vector

sequenceA :: (Applicative f, HVectorF v, HVector w, ElemsF v ~ Elems w) => v f -> f w Source

Sequence effects for every element in the vector

sequenceF :: (Monad m, HVectorF v) => v (m `Compose` f) -> m (v f) Source

Sequence effects for every element in the vector

sequenceAF :: (Applicative f, HVectorF v) => v (f `Compose` g) -> f (v g) Source

Sequence effects for every element in the vector

wrap :: (HVector v, HVectorF w, Elems v ~ ElemsF w) => (forall a. a -> f a) -> v -> w f Source

Wrap every value in the vector into type constructor.

unwrap :: (HVectorF v, HVector w, ElemsF v ~ Elems w) => (forall a. f a -> a) -> v f -> w Source

Unwrap every value in the vector from the type constructor.

distribute :: (Functor f, HVector v, HVectorF w, Elems v ~ ElemsF w) => f v -> w f Source

Analog of distribute from Distributive type class.

distributeF :: (Functor f, HVectorF v) => f (v g) -> v (f `Compose` g) Source

Analog of distribute from Distributive type class.

Specialized operations

eq :: (HVector v, ArityC Eq (Elems v)) => v -> v -> Bool Source

Generic equality for heterogeneous vectors

compare :: (HVector v, ArityC Ord (Elems v)) => v -> v -> Ordering Source

Generic comparison for heterogeneous vectors

rnf :: (HVector v, ArityC NFData (Elems v)) => v -> () Source

Reduce vector to normal form