foundation-0.0.6: Alternative prelude with batteries and no dependencies

MaintainerHaskell Foundation
Safe HaskellNone




The current implementation is mainly, if not copy/pasted, inspired from memory's Parser.

A very simple bytearray parser related to Parsec and Attoparsec

Simple example:

> parse ((,,) <$> take 2 <*> element 0x20 <*> (elements "abc" *> anyElement)) "xx abctest"
ParseOK "est" ("xx", 116)



newtype Parser input a Source #

Simple parser structure




  • runParser :: forall r. input -> Failure input r -> Success input a r -> Result input r


Monad (Parser input) Source # 


(>>=) :: Parser input a -> (a -> Parser input b) -> Parser input b #

(>>) :: Parser input a -> Parser input b -> Parser input b #

return :: a -> Parser input a #

fail :: String -> Parser input a #

Functor (Parser input) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser input a -> Parser input b #

(<$) :: a -> Parser input b -> Parser input a #

Applicative (Parser input) Source # 


pure :: a -> Parser input a #

(<*>) :: Parser input (a -> b) -> Parser input a -> Parser input b #

(*>) :: Parser input a -> Parser input b -> Parser input b #

(<*) :: Parser input a -> Parser input b -> Parser input a #

Alternative (Parser input) Source # 


empty :: Parser input a #

(<|>) :: Parser input a -> Parser input a -> Parser input a #

some :: Parser input a -> Parser input [a] #

many :: Parser input a -> Parser input [a] #

MonadPlus (Parser input) Source # 


mzero :: Parser input a #

mplus :: Parser input a -> Parser input a -> Parser input a #

data Result input a Source #

Simple parsing result, that represent respectively:

  • failure: with the error message
  • continuation: that need for more input data
  • success: the remaining unparsed data and the parser value


ParseFail (ParserError input) 
ParseMore (Maybe input -> Result input a) 
ParseOK input a 


(Show ba, Show a) => Show (Result ba a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Result ba a -> ShowS #

show :: Result ba a -> String #

showList :: [Result ba a] -> ShowS #

data ParserError input Source #





some bytes didn't satisfy predicate


not enough data to complete the parser

MonadFail String

only use in the event of function


Eq input => Eq (ParserError input) Source # 


(==) :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> Bool #

(/=) :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> Bool #

Ord input => Ord (ParserError input) Source # 


compare :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> Ordering #

(<) :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> Bool #

(<=) :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> Bool #

(>) :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> Bool #

(>=) :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> Bool #

max :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> ParserError input #

min :: ParserError input -> ParserError input -> ParserError input #

Show input => Show (ParserError input) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> ParserError input -> ShowS #

show :: ParserError input -> String #

showList :: [ParserError input] -> ShowS #

(Show input, Typeable * input) => Exception (ParserError input) Source # 

run the Parser

parse :: Sequential input => Parser input a -> input -> Result input a Source #

Run a Parser on a ByteString and return a Result

parseFeed :: (Sequential input, Monad m) => m (Maybe input) -> Parser input a -> input -> m (Result input a) Source #

Run a parser on an @initial input.

If the Parser need more data than available, the @feeder function is automatically called and fed to the More continuation.

parseOnly :: (Typeable input, Show input, Sequential input, Element input ~ Char) => Parser input a -> input -> a Source #

parse only the given input

The left-over `Element input` will be ignored, if the parser call for more data it will be continuously fed with Nothing (up to 256 iterations).

Parser methods

hasMore :: Sequential input => Parser input Bool Source #

element :: (Sequential input, Eq (Element input)) => Element input -> Parser input () Source #

Parse a specific `Element input` at current position

if the `Element input` is different than the expected one, this parser will raise a failure.

satisfy :: Sequential input => (Element input -> Bool) -> Parser input (Element input) Source #

take one element if satisfy the given predicate

anyElement :: Sequential input => Parser input (Element input) Source #

Get the next `Element input` from the parser

elements :: (Show input, Eq input, Sequential input) => input -> Parser input () Source #

Parse a sequence of elements from current position

if the following `Element input` don't match the expected input completely, the parser will raise a failure

take :: Sequential input => Int -> Parser input input Source #

Take @n elements from the current position in the stream

takeWhile :: Sequential input => (Element input -> Bool) -> Parser input input Source #

Take elements while the @predicate hold from the current position in the stream

takeAll :: Sequential input => Parser input input Source #

Take the remaining elements from the current position in the stream

skip :: Sequential input => Int -> Parser input () Source #

Skip @n elements from the current position in the stream

skipWhile :: Sequential input => (Element input -> Bool) -> Parser input () Source #

Skip `Element input` while the @predicate hold from the current position in the stream

skipAll :: Sequential input => Parser input () Source #

Skip all the remaining `Element input` from the current position in the stream


optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a) #

One or none.

many :: Alternative f => forall a. f a -> f [a] #

Zero or more.

some :: Alternative f => forall a. f a -> f [a] #

One or more.

(<|>) :: Alternative f => forall a. f a -> f a -> f a #

An associative binary operation

repeat :: Sequential input => Condition -> Parser input a -> Parser input [a] Source #

repeat the given Parser a given amount of time

If you know you want it to exactly perform a given amount of time:

``` repeat (Exactly Twice) (element a) ```

If you know your parser must performs from 0 to 8 times:

``` repeat (Between Never (Other 8)) ```

  • This interface is still WIP* but went handy when writting the IPv4/IPv6 parsers.