gdp- Reason about invariants and preconditions with ghosts of departed proofs.

Copyright(c) Matt Noonan 2018
Safe HaskellNone






The Proof monad

data Proof (pf :: *) Source #

The Proof monad is used as a domain-specific language for constructing proofs. A value of type Proof p represents a proof of the proposition p.

For example, this function constructions a proof of "P or Q" from the assumption "P and Q":

and2or :: (p && q) -> Proof (p || q)

and2or pq = do
   p <- and_elimL pq    -- or: "p <- fst <$> and_elim pq"
   or_introL p

If the body of the proof does not match the proposition you claim to be proving, the compiler will raise a type error. Here, we accidentally try to use or_introR instead of or_introL:

and2or :: (p && q) -> Proof (p || q)

and2or pq = do
   p <- and_elimL pq
   or_introR p

resulting in the error

    • Couldn't match type ‘p’ with ‘q’
      ‘p’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          and2or :: forall p q. (p && q) -> Proof (p || q)

      ‘q’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          and2or :: forall p q. (p && q) -> Proof (p || q)

      Expected type: Proof (p || q)
        Actual type: Proof (p || p)


Monad Proof Source # 


(>>=) :: Proof a -> (a -> Proof b) -> Proof b #

(>>) :: Proof a -> Proof b -> Proof b #

return :: a -> Proof a #

fail :: String -> Proof a #

Functor Proof Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Proof a -> Proof b #

(<$) :: a -> Proof b -> Proof a #

Applicative Proof Source # 


pure :: a -> Proof a #

(<*>) :: Proof (a -> b) -> Proof a -> Proof b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Proof a -> Proof b -> Proof c #

(*>) :: Proof a -> Proof b -> Proof b #

(<*) :: Proof a -> Proof b -> Proof a #

(|.) :: (p -> Proof q) -> (q -> Proof r) -> p -> Proof r infixr 9 Source #

This operator is used to create nicely delineated chains of derivations within a larger proof. If X and Y are two deduction rules, each with a single premise and a single conclusion, and the premise of Y matches the conclusion of X, then X |. Y represents the composition of the two deduction rules.

and2or :: (p && q) -> Proof (p || q)

and2or =  and_elimL
       |. or_introL

(|$) :: Proof p -> (p -> Proof q) -> Proof q infixr 7 Source #

This operator is just a specialization of (>>=), but can be used to create nicely delineated chains of derivations within a larger proof. The first statement in the chain should produce a formula; (|$) then pipes this formula into the following derivation rule.

and2or :: (p && q) -> Proof (p || q)

and2or pq =  and_elimL pq
          |$ or_introL

(|/) :: (p -> (q -> Proof r) -> Proof r) -> (q -> Proof r) -> p -> Proof r infixr 9 Source #

The (|/) operator is used to feed the remainder of the proof in as a premise of the first argument.

A common use-case is with the Or-elimination rules or_elimL and or_elimR, when one case is trivial. For example, suppose we wanted to prove that R && (P or (Q and (Q implies P))) implies P:

my_proof :: r && (p || (q && (q --> p))) -> Proof p

my_proof =
  do  and_elimR          -- Forget the irrelevant r.
   |. or_elimL given     -- The first case of the || is immediate;
   |/ and_elim           -- The rest of the proof handles the second case,
   |. uncurry impl_elim  --   by unpacking the && and feeding the q into
                         --   the implication (q --> p).

The rising / is meant to suggest the bottom half of the proof getting plugged in to the Or-elimination line.

(|\) :: (p -> Proof q) -> ((p -> Proof q) -> Proof r) -> Proof r infixl 8 Source #

The (|\) operator is used to take the subproof so far and feed it into a rule that is expecting a subproof as a premise.

A common use-case is with the Not-introduction rule not_intro, which has a type that fits the second argument of (|\). By way of example, here is a proof that "P implies Q" along with "Not Q" implies "Not P".

my_proof :: (p --> q) -> (Not p --> r) -> Not q -> Proof r

my_proof impl1 impl2 q' =
  do  modus_ponens impl1   -- This line, composed with the next,
   |. contradicts' q'      --   form a proof of FALSE from p.
   |\ not_intro            -- Closing the subproof above, conclude not-p.
   |. modus_ponens impl2   -- Now apply the second implication to conclude r.

The falling \ is meant to suggest the upper half of the proof being closed off by the Not-introduction line.

($$) :: (p -> q -> Proof r) -> Proof p -> q -> Proof r Source #

Take a proof of p and feed it in as the first premise of an argument that expects a p and a q.

given :: p -> Proof p Source #

given creates a proof of P, given P as an assumption.

given is just a specialization of pure / return.

axiom :: Proof p Source #

axiom, like sorry, provides a "proof" of any proposition. Unlike sorry, which is used to indicate that a proof is still in progress, axiom is meant to be used by library authors to assert axioms about how their library works. For example:

data Reverse xs = Reverse Defn
data Length  xs = Length  Defn

rev_length_lemma :: Proof (Length (Reverse xs) == Length xs)
rev_length_lemma = axiom

sorry :: Proof p Source #

sorry can be used to provide a "proof" of any proposition, by simply assering it as true. This is useful for stubbing out portions of a proof as you work on it, but subverts the entire proof system.

_Completed proofs should never use sorry!_