gemmula- A tiny Gemtext parser
Copyright(c) Sena 2023
MaintainerSena <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A tiny text/gemini parser.

Parses Gemtext documents from and to Text. See the Section 5 of the Gemini Protocol specification.


Gemtext Types

type GemDocument = [GemItem] Source #

A Gemtext document, in the form of an ordered list.

data GemItem Source #

A Gemtext item.


GemText Text

A regular Gemtext line. -- GemText <Text>

GemLink Text (Maybe Text)

A Gemtext link. -- GemLink <Link> [Optional Description]

GemHeading Int64 Text

A Gemtext heading of 3 levels max. -- GemHeading <Level> <Text>

GemList [Text]

A Gemtext unordered list. -- GemList <Lines>

GemQuote Text

A Gemtext quote. -- GemQuote <Text>

GemPre [Text] (Maybe Text)

A Gemtext preformat. -- GemPre <Lines> [Optional Alt Text]


Instances details
Show GemItem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Gemini

Eq GemItem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Gemini


(==) :: GemItem -> GemItem -> Bool #

(/=) :: GemItem -> GemItem -> Bool #

Decoding from Text

decode :: Text -> GemDocument Source #

Parse a text/gemini file as GemDocument. The text should be supplied as an LF-ending Text.

decodeLine :: Text -> GemItem Source #

Parse a single text/gemini line as GemItem.


  • Isn't able to decode preformatted texts as they are strictly multiline.
  • GemLists are also obviously singleton.

Encoding to Text

encode :: GemDocument -> Text Source #

Encode parsed GemDocument to a text/gemini file. The output Text uses LF-endings.

encodeItem :: GemItem -> Text Source #

Encode a single parsed GemItem as text/gemini text. The output Text uses LF-endings and might be multiple lines.

Beware that the final newline is always stripped, if any.


  • The text of the GemText will follow a whitespace to escape the prefix at the beginning if the line starts with a valid one.
  • The link in the GemLink should not have spaces.