hackage-db-1.8: provide access to the Hackage database via Data.Map

Safe HaskellNone



This module provides simple access to the Hackage database by means of Map.



type Hackage = Map String (Map Version GenericPackageDescription)Source

A Map representation of the Hackage database. For sake of simplicity, we use String rather than PackageName to represent the name of a package.

readHackage :: IO HackageSource

Read the Hackage database from the location determined by hackagePath and return a Map that provides fast access to its contents.

readHackage' :: FilePath -> IO HackageSource

Read the Hackage database from the given FilePath and return a Hackage map that provides fast access to its contents.

parseHackage :: ByteString -> HackageSource

Parse the contents of Hackage's 00-index.tar into a Hackage map.

hackagePath :: IO FilePathSource

Determine the default path of the Hackage database, which typically resides at $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar. Running the command cabal update will keep that file up-to-date.

module Data.Map