hasbolt-extras- Extras for hasbolt library

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines everything needed to make template graph requests to Neo4j.

There are two types of queries that you can run: queries that return something from the database (Get) and queries that save new data to it (Put). Both types are abstracted via type class GraphQuery. Most of the time you will need only its makeRequest method.

Get and Put queries are simply two instances of GraphQuery, differentiated by empty data types GetRequest and PutRequest. This means that you will have to use TypeApplications to call GraphQuery methods, like this:

makeRequest @GetRequest ...

All queries are built from simple templates that can be customized with endomorphisms (things of type a -> a, like the Builder pattern in OOP). Endomorphisms can be conveniently applied using & operator.

A complete example of running Get and Put queries can be found in "example/Main.hs" file in this repository.


Graph template construction

Both query types require a Graph type. Preffered way to create a variable of this type is to start with emptyGraph and add required nodes and relations with addNode and addRelation function.

For example (using Text as node data for simplicity):

queryG :: Graph Text Text Text
queryG = emptyGraph
  & addNode "a" "node a"
  & addNode "b" "node b
  & addRelation "a" "b" "relation a -> b"

data Graph n a b Source #

Representation of Graph that is used for requests and responses. It is parameterized by three types:

  • n: type of node names
  • a: type of nodes
  • b: type of relations

Relations are described by a pair of nodes - start and end.

There are lenses defined for Graph: vertices and relations.




(Show n, Show a, Show b) => Show (Graph n a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.AbstractGraph


showsPrec :: Int -> Graph n a b -> ShowS #

show :: Graph n a b -> String #

showList :: [Graph n a b] -> ShowS #

Generic (Graph n a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.AbstractGraph

Associated Types

type Rep (Graph n a b) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Graph n a b -> Rep (Graph n a b) x #

to :: Rep (Graph n a b) x -> Graph n a b #

type Rep (Graph n a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.AbstractGraph

type Rep (Graph n a b) = D1 (MetaData "Graph" "Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.AbstractGraph" "hasbolt-extras-" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Graph" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_vertices") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Map n a)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_relations") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Map (n, n) b))))

vertices :: forall n a b a. Lens (Graph n a b) (Graph n a b) (Map n a) (Map n a) Source #

relations :: forall n a b b. Lens (Graph n a b) (Graph n a b) (Map (n, n) b) (Map (n, n) b) Source #

emptyGraph :: Ord n => Graph n a b Source #

An empty graph.

addNode Source #


:: (Show n, Ord n) 
=> n

Name of the node

-> a

Node data

-> Graph n a b 
-> Graph n a b 

Adds node to graph by its name and data. If graph already contains node with given name, error will be thrown.

addRelation Source #


:: (Show n, Ord n) 
=> n

Name of start node

-> n

Name of end node

-> b

Relation data

-> Graph n a b 
-> Graph n a b 

Adds relation to graph by startName of node, endName of node, and rel with relation data. If graph already contains relation with given (startName, endName), error will be thrown.

Get queries

Get queries are represented by GraphGetRequest type - it is a Graph filled with templates for nodes and relations: NodeGetter and RelGetter.

To make a query, you need to build a template of graph that you want to find in the DB. For that, start with empty nodes and relations like defaultNodeReturn and defaultRelReturn. Customize them with endomorphisms in GetterLike class and combine into template graph Graph using emptyGraph, addNode and addRelation.

Typically, a node template is constructed like this:

  & withLabelQ ''NodeType
  & withBoltId nodeId
  & withReturn allProps

The result of running Get query will be represented as a Graph as well, with GraphGetResponse alias. You can then use convenient functions like extractNode and extractRelation to get your datatypes (that are instances of NodeLike or URelationshipLike) from the result.

Getter types

data GetRequest Source #

Get request with graph result.

GraphQuery GetRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type NodeReq GetRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type RelReq GetRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type NodeRes GetRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type RelRes GetRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

class GetterLike a where Source #

Endomorphisms to set up NodeGetter and RelGetter.


withBoltId Source #


:: BoltId 
-> a 
-> a

set known BoltId

withLabel Source #


:: Label 
-> a 
-> a

set known label

withLabelQ Source #


:: Name 
-> a 
-> a

set known label as TemplateHaskell Name

withProp Source #


:: (Text, Value) 
-> a 
-> a

add known property

withReturn Source #


:: [Text] 
-> a 
-> a

add list of properties to return

isReturned Source #


:: a 
-> a

set that entity should be returned

data NodeGetter Source #

Helper to find Nodes.




data RelGetter Source #

Helper to find URelationships.




type GraphGetRequest = Graph NodeName NodeGetter RelGetter Source #

The combinations of getters to load graph from the database.

Default getters

defaultNode Source #


:: Bool

Whether to return the node

-> NodeGetter 

NodeGetter that matches any node.

defaultNodeReturn :: NodeGetter Source #

NodeGetter that matches any node and returns it.

defaultNodeNotReturn :: NodeGetter Source #

NodeGetter that matches any node and does not return it.

defaultRel Source #


:: Bool

Whether to return the relation

-> RelGetter 

RelGetter that matches any relation.

defaultRelReturn :: RelGetter Source #

RelGetter that matches any relation and returns it.

defaultRelNotReturn :: RelGetter Source #

RelGetter that matches any relation and does not return it.

allProps :: [Text] Source #

Return all properties of a node or relation. To be used with withReturn.

Result types

data NodeResult Source #

Result for node where properties are represented as aeson Value.


Eq NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Show NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Generic NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Associated Types

type Rep NodeResult :: Type -> Type #

ToJSON NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

FromJSON NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Extractable NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

GetBoltId NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

NodeLike NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

type Rep NodeResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

type Rep NodeResult = D1 (MetaData "NodeResult" "Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get" "hasbolt-extras-" False) (C1 (MetaCons "NodeResult" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "nresId") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 BoltId) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "nresLabels") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [Label]) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "nresProps") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Map Text Value)))))

data RelResult Source #

Result for relation where properties are represented as aeson Value.


Eq RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Show RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Generic RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Associated Types

type Rep RelResult :: Type -> Type #

ToJSON RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

FromJSON RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

Extractable RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get


extract :: MonadIO m => Text -> [Record] -> BoltActionT m [RelResult] Source #

GetBoltId RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

URelationLike RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

type Rep RelResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get

type Rep RelResult = D1 (MetaData "RelResult" "Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get" "hasbolt-extras-" False) (C1 (MetaCons "RelResult" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "rresId") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 BoltId) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "rresLabel") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Label) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "rresProps") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Map Text Value)))))

type GraphGetResponse = Graph NodeName NodeResult RelResult Source #

The graph of Nodes and URelationships which we got from the database using GraphGetRequest.

Extracting result

These functions are for extracting nodes and relations in various formats. If an entity does not exist in given GraphGetResponse or is of invalid type, an error will be thrown.

For example, assume you have this query:

  queryG :: GraphGetRequest
  queryG = emptyGraph
    & addNode "exNode"
         & withLabelQ ''ExampleNode
         & withProp   ("exampleFieldT", T A)
         & withReturn allProps

And run it:

result <- makeRequest @GetRequest [] queryG

Then you can get ExampleNode value from the result

let nodes = map extractNode "exNode" result :: [ExampleNode]

You can also just ask for an id of node:

let nodeIds = map extractNodeId "exNode" result

Or, if you did not use withReturn allProps, you can use extractNodeAeson to get raw NodeResult value and inspect its properties.

extractNode :: NodeLike a => NodeName -> GraphGetResponse -> a Source #

Extract a node by its name from GraphGetResponse and convert it to user type with fromNode.

extractRelation :: URelationLike a => NodeName -> NodeName -> GraphGetResponse -> a Source #

Extract a relation by name of it start and end nodes and convert to user type with fromURelation.

mergeGraphs :: GetBoltId a => [Graph NodeName a b] -> Graph NodeName a b Source #

Helper function to merge graphs of results, i.e. if you requested graph A -> B -> C and in the database there were two B entities connected to the same entity A and four C entities connected to the same two entities B, Cypher query will return four graphs which satisfy this path, despite the fact that A was present only once in the database and B was present only two times in the database.

This function will merge these four graphs in one and return nodes by node names with suffixes equal to their BoltIds.

For example, if there were four graphs:

  nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 1), C (boltId = 3)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C];
  nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 1), C (boltId = 4)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C];
  nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 2), C (boltId = 5)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C];
  nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 2), C (boltId = 6)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C].

this function will merge them into new graph:

  nodes: [A0 (boltId = 0), B1 (boltId = 1), B2 (boltId = 2),
          C3 (boltId = 3), C4 (boltId = 4), C5 (boltId = 5), C6 (boltId = 6)],
  relations: [A0 -> B1, A0 -> B2, B1 -> C3, B1 -> C4, B2 -> C5, B2 -> C6].

Put queries

Put queries are represented with GraphPutRequest - a Graph of PutNode and PutRelationship. Build your graph the same way as with Get queryб representing new nodes and relations as PutNode and PutRelationship. The query graph may also describe existing nodes and relations, for example if you need to find a specific node in graph and attach a new one to it, or update an existing node with new data.

Result of Put query will be graph with Neo4j ids of inserted data.

data PutRequest Source #

Put request in Bolt format with BoltIds of uploaded entities as result.

GraphQuery PutRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type NodeReq PutRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type RelReq PutRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type NodeRes PutRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

type RelRes PutRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

data PutNode Source #

PutNode is the wrapper for Node where we can specify if we want to merge or create it.


BoltId BoltId

Describe existing node by its BoltId. No new data will be inserted for this node.

MergeN Node

Merge the Node with existing node in the DB. Corresponds to MERGE Cypher operator.

CreateN Node

Create an entirely new node. Corresponds to CREATE Cypher operator.

type GraphPutRequest = Graph NodeName PutNode PutRelationship Source #

The graph of Nodes with specified uploading type and URelationships.

type GraphPutResponse = Graph NodeName BoltId BoltId Source #

The graph of BoltIds corresponding to the nodes and relationships which we get after putting GraphPutRequest.

Internal machinery for forming Cypher queries

class GraphQuery a where Source #

Type class used to perform requests to the Neo4j based on graphs.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type NodeReq a :: * Source #

Type of entity describing node for request.

type RelReq a :: * Source #

Type of entity describing relationship for request.

type NodeRes a :: * Source #

Type of node entity which will be extracted from result.

type RelRes a :: * Source #

Type of relationship entity which will be extracted from result.


requestEntities :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a)) => [(NodeName, NodeReq a)] -> [((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a)] -> (Text, [Text]) Source #

Convert requestable entities to text in the query.

formQuery Source #


:: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a), Returnable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Returnable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a)) 
=> [Text]

Custom conditions that will be added to WHERE block.

-> Graph NodeName (NodeReq a) (RelReq a)

Request graph template.

-> Text

Cypher query as text.

Abstract function to form query for request.

extractGraphs :: (Extractable (NodeRes a), Extractable (RelRes a), MonadIO m) => [NodeName] -> [(NodeName, NodeName)] -> [Record] -> BoltActionT m [Graph NodeName (NodeRes a) (RelRes a)] Source #

Abstract function which exctracts graph from records if nodes and relations can be extracted.

makeRequest :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a), Returnable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Returnable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a), Extractable (NodeRes a), Extractable (RelRes a), MonadIO m) => [Text] -> Graph NodeName (NodeReq a) (RelReq a) -> BoltActionT m [Graph NodeName (NodeRes a) (RelRes a)] Source #

For given query graph, perform query and extract results graph.

GraphQuery PutRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

GraphQuery GetRequest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery

class Requestable a where Source #

Entity which can be requested from Neo4j in MATCH operator.


request :: a -> Text Source #

How to convert entity to Cypher.

class Returnable a where Source #

Entity which can be returned from Neo4j in RETURN operator.


isReturned' :: a -> Bool Source #

If the entity should be returned.

return' :: a -> Text Source #

How to return entity in the Cypher.

class Extractable a where Source #

Entity which can be extracted from Record by its name.


extract :: MonadIO m => Text -> [Record] -> BoltActionT m [a] Source #

type NodeName = Text Source #

Alias for text node name.

relationName :: (NodeName, NodeName) -> Text Source #

Build relationship name from the names of its start and end nodes like [startNodeName]0[endNodeName].

requestGetters :: [(NodeName, NodeGetter)] -> [((NodeName, NodeName), RelGetter)] -> (Text, [Text]) Source #

Takes all node getters and relationship getters and write them to single query to request. Also return conditions on known boltId-s.

requestPut :: [(NodeName, PutNode)] -> [((NodeName, NodeName), PutRelationship)] -> (Text, [Text]) Source #

Takes all PutNodes and PutRelationships and write them to single query to request. Here WITH is used, because you cannot perform "match", "merge" or "create" at the same query.

(#) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b Source #

A synonym for &. Kept for historical reasons.